Czars, life on Mars, and Jesus is coming back soon.
You'll find all kinds of absolutely goofy beliefs among the rightwhitewingnut set these days. They even parade their nonsense on signs and walk about our streets waving them in peoples' faces. If, however, you stop to ask them to explain their beliefs, you are likely to get a stunned grimace of incomprehension.
Like when some of the unhinged at Glenn Beck's 9/12 thingy in Washington were asked to explain why they were against czars. Most didn't know what a czar was or what a czar did, or the historical reference. All they knew there were agin' 'em, by god!
Some thought a czar was a Communist and thus anti-God.
Vincent Rossmeier, writing at Salon.com, notes how certain Repugnicans, desperately needing a way to ensure Obama fails, have launched themselves into the middle of the czar controversy, feeding lines to the "lions" who would eat Obama alive. People like Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (from Texas and who, by the way, is no "moderate" as some would have us believe!), and Rep. Eric Cantor (from Virginia) who has shown there is no depth to which he will not sink to bring Obama down.
Rossmeier also notes that historically, the czars were Russian monarchs. They were on the scene before the Commies and were tossed out by the Commies! In other words, for the hard of reading, CZARS WERE NOT COMMUNISTS!
Now the situation has come to this: Rep. Jack Kingston, a Repugnican from Georgia, has introduced the "Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009". This measure would deny a government paycheck to every presidential advisor not approved by the Senate. As of Sept. 16, the bill had 99 sponsors, including such leading intellectuals as Michele Bachmann from Minnesota, Eric Cantor from Virginia and one nogoodnik Democrat, Rep. William Clay from Missouri.
It's hard to wrap one's mind around the stupidity, the ignorance and the hypocrisy that defines so many of our public servants! Ronald Reagan appointed the first so-called "czar." To call someone a czar was and is nothing more than a somewhat humorous way of referring to a person who has been invited to advise the president on a particular issue or issues.
George H. W. Bush continued the tradition of appointing czars. As did Bill Clinton. And, in fact, Georgi W. Bush had a number of czars. Rossmeier says that "Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., who has made public statements criticizing Obama's czars, actually supported Bush's appointment of an 'AIDS czar' and 'manufacturing czar.' And though Karl Rove served as Bush's 'domestic policy czar,' this hasn't stopped him from arguing that Obama's use of czars amounts to a 'giant expansion of presidential power.'"
That from the worm who oversaw the largest expansion of presidential power in history!
One of the things we learned during the Bush years was how effective "the big LIE" can be. Say something often enough with great sincerity and before long half the people in the country will believe it, even if it contains not one shred of truth!
Thus there are many people today who remain convinced that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, or that we invaded Iraq to bring democracy to that sorry mess of a country. We've got birthers and deathers, and now "czarists" who have so little brain matter that it is quite easy to get them to accept the most outrageous of lies.
In the end, of course, it's not about any of these things. The so-called "czarist" controversy has nothing to do with Obama's advisers. It is simply another mechanism, another lie, honed to perfection by the machinations of the Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaarghs, Eric Cantors, Sarah Palins, the Repugnican Party as a whole, and the corporations who control Congress TO BRING DOWN THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY!
Which is clearly unpatriotic, subversive and ultimately of incalculable harm to our country.
Read Rossmeier's entire article here.
1 comment:
These are such fools, I do not know why we bother. They will fade away soon, hopefully, and become a small Southern phenomena dedicated to ripping off the poor of their states....who will live in ignorance and work at the lowest paying jobs in America. Their strong backs will be needed and abused and they will have deserved their fate. That is what they are choosing for themselves and their children .
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