Sunday, September 27, 2009

Governor Sonny Perdue, prayer, and government handouts

Sonny Perdue, veterinarian, is the governor of Georgia.

Sonny Perdue, governor of Georgia, a state awash from a deluge, is begging Washington for assistance. President Obama has kindly assented to provide such assistance to Governor Perdue and his beleaguered Georgians.

In 2007, Georgia was in the midst of a drought; a devastating drought. Things were so bad that Governor Perdue organized a public vigil at the state house in Atlanta to which he invited his fellow Georgians to attend and "pray up a storm." Being a "good" Southern Baptist, Governor Perdue believed that if people prayed hard enough, the benevolent Southern Baptist god would hear their prayers and send much needed rain to the state of Georgia.

It was not to be.

Until two years later. Perhaps their god was out to lunch for a couple of years. The Bible says, you know, that a thousand years is as one day to the Lord. But, sheesh, he didn't have to send ten years worth of rain in 2009! Enough's enough. Stop already with the rain!

Things are pretty bad in Georgia. Time magazine put it this way:

"Severe flooding triggered by torrential rainstorms killed at least nine people in northern Georgia, rendered major roads impassable, inundated homes and forced schools to close. The flood, which has been called the state's worst in more than a decade, caused an estimated $250 million in damage. Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency in 17 counties and appealed to President Obama for federal aid."

All of which led nasty people like me to wonder: 1) Should the families of the nine people who were killed sue the governor for inciting his god to send so much rain, even if it involved a 2-year delay? And 2) would the governor organize another public vigil at the state house in Atlanta to "pray down a storm"; to ask their god to shutter the heavens.

With regard to the first wonderment, I don't think such legal action would get very far because there is absolutely no evidence for a Southern Baptist god who has power to rain or not rain. As to the second wonderment, it appears the governor has no plans to ask his people to address the deity about the excess of heavenly waters. Maybe he's afraid of another flood and hasn't built his ark yet. On the other hand, Perdue might be worried that more begging will really piss off his SB god and the latter will send another drought.

So, what he did was go hat in hand to the big evil federal guv'mint and that alien socialist Obama asking for some money to help put Georgia back together again.

And isn't it interesting how, for so many rightwhitewingnuts, the federal government is good for nothing until their needs overwhelm their pocketbook and their hypocrisy. All of a sudden the federal government isn't so bad after all.

When it comes down to actually doing something and money is involved, the feds beat god every time!

More on Guv Perdue coming soon!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

Why didn’t he pray to Obama to stop the rain? After all, he assumes Obama has powers never grunted to any President, ever! He assumes Obama can make us over to a Socialist, Communist, Muslim, terrorist nation while taking all our guns away, controlling our health care, so we cannot get our wounds taken care of etc.…all within less than a year. Now that is power!!!

If he is of a special race of some kind, where do we find some more that we can control?

It is obvious that whatever God the Governor believes in, could not deliver or got the wrong message and sent too much rain at the wrong time. So much for his attempts at communicating with God. Does it ever occur to those like him, that God does not need him at all? God will do as God wants His miracles to perform. The Gov might try some ancient language, like Hebrew or Aramaic, as God apparently used that language to communicate before English was used. As a matter of history, God took His time to populate America with English speaking Spaniards, French, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Gaelic, and all the Scandinavian languages, including all the native American languages etc. What would Jesus say and in what language?

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