Friday, May 8, 2009

Sean Hannity, chickenhawk

Torture is wrong, illegal and stupid - it seldom, if ever, achieves the goal of obtaining worthwhile information.

Those facts did not stop FAUX News chickenhawk, Sean Hannity, who, a couple of weeks ago, while praising the value of waterboarding and blasting Obama for ending the procedure, said he would be delighted to be waterboarded, and would do so in order to raise money "for the troops' families."

That inane comment has proved him to be the chickenhawk he is. Keith Olbermann, knowing that Hannity is nothing more than a blowhard who spouts whatever comes into his weak little mind, took up the challenge, offering $1,000 to Hannity's fundraiser for every SECOND he was waterboarded.

Hannity, because he is, in truth, a chickenhawk, has not responded.

Like so many of these idiotic massagers of the truth, Hannity probably figured no one would remember what he said and he could continue pretending to be a real patriot, wrapping himself in the flag, even though, in fact, he doesn't know the difference between a patriot and a parrot.

It's too bad, too. If anyone deserved waterboarding, it's Sean Hannity!


Bob Poris said...

Water board him for charity! Great idea, Keep calling him out on it. He is a coward and his listeners should know it.

Grandpa Eddie said...

There's no way that chickenshit pussy will ever let himself be waterboarded. But Keith ain't gonna let him ever forget what he said, and neither am I!

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