Sunday, May 3, 2009

Obama & Notre Dame - Catholic power does not reside in the poohbahs

You may have been led to believe that whatever ze bishop says, ze parishioners fall in line, kiss his ring and his ass, and cry, "Yes, father!"

Ah...the Catholic prelates wish it were zo. In fact, the biggest poohbah of them all, ze Pope in ze city/nation of ze Vatican wishes it were zo.

It is not zo.

For example, when ze University of Our Mother (Notre Dame) invited ze President (Obama) to speak at its commencement this year, zere was a holy uproar among ze faithful, which ze media tried to imply meant all ze Catholics in ze United States.

Not zo.

Ze so-called "uproar" was a well-orchestrated outcry by Catholic conservatives who don't like Mr. Obama because when it comes to abortion, although he abhors it, he believes women should make that choice and not ze government nor ze Roman Catolic Church.

Catolic conservatives believe every government and every person should abide by Catolic rules for zey are from zair god!

Interestingly, Alex Koppleman at tells us a Pew poll which discovered that "of those Catholics who say they've heard about the controversy, 54 percent approve of the school's choice. 38 percent oppose it."

It gets worse for ze Catolic conservatives. Joan Walsh noted that other data indicated 73 percent of Our Mother's students (including 97 percent of its seniors) were in favor of ze president speaking at Our Mother's commencement.

None of this is surprising, of course. For many years, studies have indicated that a majority of Roman Catholics in this country disagree with ze church's teachings relative to birth control, abortion, and married priests.

It seems ze Catolic poohbahs are pissing in the wind.


Bob Poris said...

Catholics are free to do as they are told, as am I. I have no right to tell Catholics how to behave or what to believe. That is a matter for the individual members of their faith and it should be kept out of the schools and inside the churches. People were given free will so they could make their own decisions. The Taliban tell people what to do. There is not place for Taliban practices in a free society, such as ours. We have been successful with a separation of church and state and are free to believe or not, as we see fit.

A World Quite Mad said...

You see, this outcry might have a leg to stand on, *if* it weren't for the fact that they invited G.W. Bush to speak there despite the fact that he executed more people in the state of Texas than any other governor in the history of the United States (until Perry came along and topped him). Catholics are opposed to the death penalty too, but that didn't stop them from letting G.W. Bush speak. Why? Because it's politically motivated of course.

I won't go into how many people have lost their lives because of an unjust war in Iraq.

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