"Today, in what has to be one of the more desperate, unfounded and outrageous claims coming from McCain, he just said on national television that 'it seems to me that Senator Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign.' ...
"Pure desperation. In fact, the McCain camp said the same thing a week ago, with nary a word from the corporate media. ..."
As "John" said: "John McCain just questioned Barack Obama's patriotism. He did it probably on the advice of Karl Rove, who has been advising him for months. Rove's usual tactic is to say something like this in order to get a rise out of the left, and help us make the story. ... McCain is simply desperate to change the topic from Obama's wildly successful trip to the Middle East. ... John McCain basically just accused Barack Obama of treason. Had we done that to McCain, just imagine the fireworks. Will the media report how outrageous and desperate McCain has become, or will they do their usual he-said-she-said and present McCain's 'argument' as something worthy of honest debate?"
You can read the rest of the post and watch the video here.
1 comment:
Why waste time on such drivel? Does McCain have a plan to save Afghanistan? How do they answer the Pentagon's plea for more troops if they cannot take them from Iraq? Who will answer for the deaths becasue we have too few men and women to fight?
Bob Poris
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