Ann Coulter, the right wing's favorite attack dog, "has called for the end of Judaism, and the end of the Jews in general. How will the hard-living old gal finally complete Hitler's dream? She's going to convert all the poor lost Jews to her religion. (Christianity, apparently. Who knew?)
"On a CNBC talk show Monday night -- who watches CNBC after the markets close? -- Coulter was talking to host Donny Deutsch about whatever, and then she demanded that all Jews be converted to Christianity so they would become 'perfected,' like she is.
"We assume all the people who are so excited about nuking Iran because Ahmadinejad is one of those holocaust-denier nutcases will immediately call for the U.S. to bomb Ann Coulter -- or at least boycott Coulter and any teevee station that lets her on the air and any book store that sells her terrific books, right? Right?"
Read the rest here.
Even she is entitled to her opinion. It amazes me that she is invited to speak by reasonable people. They stopped having Nazis and Klansmen on interview shows.If she is a guest, I try to avoid listening to her. She tends to monololize the shaoes I have heard her on with her rants based on her thoughts, without proof. somehow, that passes for TV punditry.
Bob Poris
If Ann Coulter's parents were married Catholic, but later divorced in a Jewish cermony, are they still considered brother and sister?
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