Political and religious commentary from a liberal, secular, humanistic perspective.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Saturday, June 23, 2018
We do this in the name of our dear leader...
The following rant is a comment I posted on another website in response to a story about the U.S. Navy building "concentration" camps in remote areas of the country to house the "hordes" of immigrant "criminals" (read babies and moms) who are stealing across our borders.
[Image from www.bing.com]
Let's think about this for a moment. During Hitler's reign, is it possible that the generals who crowded around him at his war plans table, could have done more to mitigate his ruinous tenure or were they silently and perhaps enthusiastically complicit.
We know that a few of them were involved in a failed plot to kill Hitler, but what about the rest? Why did they follow this demented, evil person into the pits of hell? Were they just following the orders (which is what we'll hear more of in the days ahead about our own generals and admirals) of their supreme leader, their commander-in-chief? Did they think they had no other choice than to support his plan to reduce the world to rubble and kill all the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, etc.?
Today, in our country, the U.S. Navy, a military organization in which I served many years ago, is kowtowing to our own demented, evil person and following him into the pits of hell by agreeing to build concentration camps for "illegals" in remote areas of the country. Why remote areas? For the same reason the Nazis put their camps in remote areas. So the general public couldn't see the poor souls caught in the nets of government depravity/military depravity.
Why doesn't Trump put these camps in more appropriate places, like Auschwitz. So far as I know that place is still intact and serving as a kind of museum but it could be converted back in no time. And I'm certain that there are still standing other camps in Germany and Poland that Trump's stormtroopers (ICE) could use to lock up our illegals who have committed the misdemeanor of trying to cross our border.
Trump has informed us that thousands of criminals, no better than dirty dogs, are pouring over our borders to cause an epidemic of crime. That's not close to the truth, but he never is close to the truth and this may all be a ploy to get his damn wall built to appease the morons who voted for him.
The evil of Nazism came incrementally. One small step at a time. And before long, it was too late. That's what's happening here. We're not gassing people yet, but the stage is being set. If Trump can dehumanize these illegals it will be a lot easier to get rid of them. Already the state television (FAUX news) is blathering about how small children are having sex, and doing all sorts of depraved things and they're not really human. And it's going to be costly to build these camps so something will need to be done.
About about the showers? If these men, women and children seeking a better life in this country are nothing more than the lowest of animals, if they're dirty, filthy people who are a real threat to our well-being, well, send them to the showers. It's cheap and the chemicals required were created long ago. They don't even use any water.
If you had suggested 40-50 years ago, that we'd be in this situation and that millions of people who consider themselves "good Christians" would go happily to Trump's rallies to sing his praises and condemn millions of other of God's creatures to a living hell or to death I would have said you were crazy. I did not realize the line between right and wrong was so thin and so easily severed and that greed and ignorance and racism would coalesce to create a new and deadly society where the norms of decent people would be overrun by a truly evil man and his blatherings. George Will, that bastion of conservative Republicanism, has seen the light and is now telling people to vote Democratic in the next elections. I'm afraid he might be too late for true believers and the criminals have taken over our fair land.
We are going to put thousands of people into concentration camps for NO other reason than to appease the diseased brain of a president whose life has been built on one catastrophic lie after another!
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Donald Trump and His Stormtroopers
Here's Why It's Entirely Appropriate to Compare Donald Trump to the Nazis
June 21, 2018, 2:38 AM GMT

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.
That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.
[Please read the entire article at AlterNet HERE.]
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
D. J. Trumpf - "I'm gonna catch you, you little terrorist!"
These cartoons are by Rob Rogers, a long-time cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Gazette. He was recently fired by that paper for his anti-Trump cartoons.
The heading is mine and refers to the 2nd cartoon.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Weirdness, Inc.
The video in the previous post was presented to the dicktater of North Korea by the wanna-be dicktater of the United States.
Things just keep getting weirder and weirder!
Things just keep getting weirder and weirder!
Friday, April 27, 2018
An Excellent Description of the Swamp Fox, aka ze prezident
This is a comment on a post on Crooks & Liars. The link is here. It is one of the best descriptions of D. J. Trump I've reard.
tramp is a political neophyte that does not understand the separation of powers our Constitution maintains.
tramp is a lying hypocrite for not being patriotic enough to release his tax returns and prove to the American citizenry that he is working for us and not Putin. Remember this, tramp does not trust YOU enough to release his tax returns.
Who could have guessed that a reality TV star with no government experience, 6 bankruptcies, 5 kids from 3 different marriages, 19 charges of sexual assault, and 4000 plus lawsuits, could be so bad at being president?. tramp is one who is against lots of things but doesn't seem to be for anything, offers bombastic and contradictory promises, is a terrifying Orwellian statesman, insults veterans, threatens a free press, mocks the handicapped, denigrates women, immigrants and Muslims.
We might as well of handed the flight controls of a 747 over to pilot with only model air plane experience.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Jesus v. Trump
When I saw this photo I had to work hard not to throw up.
Then, I thought the person who was waving the sign was probably a confessing Christian and that led me to search for some Biblical wisdom which would justify such a comment.
Anyone with any knowledge of the New Testament knows immediately that there is nothing in that collection of tall tales and extended letters that would provide a basis for thanking the "Lord Jesus For President TRUMP."
But I did find a verse that describes in a perfectly poignant fashion what Jesus would have done if he had been at this rally. It's in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35:
"Jesus wept."
Friday, March 30, 2018
Happy Easter!
Dontcha just love how we celebrate Easter these days? We're led by the Savior incarnate. And all the people said, "Amen!"
Friday, March 23, 2018
Cat Meets der Fuehrer
This wonderful GIF was found in a comment section on a Crooks & Liars post. It is, so far as I can tell, the work of Merlin.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
The video Steve Mnuchin tried to suppress
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Ivanka and Kim Yo Jong
- The following is a bit of propaganda from AOL:
- Ivanka Trump will arrive in South Korea for the Winter Olympics' closing ceremonies on Friday.
- Her appearance is sure to spark comparisons to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, who drew media attention earlier on in the Olympics for her role as a cheerful propaganda pusher.
- The two women have superficial similarities, but Kim is the head of propaganda for a brutal authoritarian regime.
What was the difference again?
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The Lyin' Paul Ryan
It has become commonplace to state that most Republicans are liars. Republicans in Congress, in our state houses, and in city and county governing bodies, lie as a matter of course. The end justifies the means is their meme, their motto, the basis of their lives.
And because their "end" almost always hurts our country and the great majority of the people in our country, we must conclude that their lies are essentially treasonous.
If you wonder why Congress hasn't gone after the corrupt swindler who currently occupies the Oval Office, it's because they are one, part of a global network of liars, tied into our archenemy, Russia, with the ultimate goal of solidifying their ham-fisted control of the United States political system to benefit themselves.
One of the worst liars is the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, or as he is better known, Lyin' Ryan. Ryan is a follower of Ayn Rand, who, in her books, taught that greed is a good thing, and the lack of morals or ethics, is essential for achieving one's goals.
Lyin' Ryan, believes Ayn Rand. He believes in Ayn Rand. That's why, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, Ryan cries and lies that "entitlements" are the reason for our ballooning deficit. As if those of us receiving Social Security and utilizing Medicare did not pay into the system. These so-called "entitlements" are not the reason for the deficit increase but rather the Trump budget is the gremlin as it cut taxes on the rich and thus drastically cut government income.
The deficit is going to increase exponentially, but the Republican liars don't care about that now that they are in charge. If they can pay back the people who bribed them with money and promises, the deficit be damned! Some say that Republicans in Congress have sold their souls to maintain their power. I'd say, "That's rich, because Republicans in Congress have no souls." They sold them long ago.
Lyin' Ryan needs to be called out for his reprehensible actions which are creating great pain and suffering for millions of Americans in order to give the rich a little more wealth.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Friday, February 16, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Bess Kalb and the NRA - from The Huffington Post
Bess Kalb is a writer for "Jimmy Kimmel Live." She has some pertinent and pointed thoughts re Republican lawmakers moaning about prayers and thoughts which they would be praying and thinking about relative to the shooting yesterday at the high school in Parkland. At one time we lived within a couple of miles of that school and Lois Anne once ran a 5k part of which scooted by the front of the school.
Ms. Kalb noted that Marco Rubio and other nogoodniks (my word), offering their prayers to their non-existent god, and their condolences - must not forget their condolences - received millions of dollars from the NRA which served to help keep them in office where they in turn made sure that nobody dared mess with the NRA and the NRA's desire to ensure that every man, woman, and child in the US of A had at least one weapon of "self-defense," in their possession.
The lawmakers have been very successful in that enterprise and are currently planning to enact another law which would basically do away with background checks which will most certainly be signed by Prezident Thumper.
It should also be noted that Prezident Thumper, after 32 seconds of deep thought, said he thought that the people of south Florida could have done a lot more to stop this shooting but they neglected to see the "signs" of trouble in the atmosphere.
Ms. Kalb states that "In the 2015-2016 election cycle alone, GOP candidates took $17,385,437 from the NRA. And that doesn't count the $21,000,000 the NRA gave to Prezident Thumper.
Prior to replying to individual tweets, Ms. Kalb "shared a few other choice words about lawmakers collecting cash from the gun lobby:
Ms. Kalb noted that Marco Rubio and other nogoodniks (my word), offering their prayers to their non-existent god, and their condolences - must not forget their condolences - received millions of dollars from the NRA which served to help keep them in office where they in turn made sure that nobody dared mess with the NRA and the NRA's desire to ensure that every man, woman, and child in the US of A had at least one weapon of "self-defense," in their possession.
The lawmakers have been very successful in that enterprise and are currently planning to enact another law which would basically do away with background checks which will most certainly be signed by Prezident Thumper.
It should also be noted that Prezident Thumper, after 32 seconds of deep thought, said he thought that the people of south Florida could have done a lot more to stop this shooting but they neglected to see the "signs" of trouble in the atmosphere.
* * * *
Ms. Kalb states that "In the 2015-2016 election cycle alone, GOP candidates took $17,385,437 from the NRA. And that doesn't count the $21,000,000 the NRA gave to Prezident Thumper.
Prior to replying to individual tweets, Ms. Kalb "shared a few other choice words about lawmakers collecting cash from the gun lobby:
God have mercy on your NRA-kept souls:
Richard Burr
Roy Blunt
Thom Tillis
Cory Gardner
Marco Rubio
Joni Ernst
Rob Portman
Todd Young
Bill Cassidy
$2,861,047https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/04/opinion/thoughts-prayers-nra-funding-senators.html …
Sorry to be crass but we have the motherfucking receipts, @joniernst @RoyBlunt @SenCoryGardner @marcorubio @senrobportman @SenToddYoung @SenThomTillis @BillCassidy.
You can read Ms. Kalb's entire article and more HERE.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Monday, February 12, 2018
The "Steele Dossier" on Greg Palast
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Saturday, February 10, 2018
The Lying Bachmann's Sign
Michele Bachmann, the mini-brained moron from Minnesota, said she was contemplating a run for a seat in the U.S. Senate. But, first she needed a sign from her god.
Now she says she is not going to run for the Senate because she did not receive a sign.
Again, following a tradition she established years ago, she is lying.
Note the above sign.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
Monday, January 15, 2018
More on the "Trickle-Down" Theory
The Trickle-Down theory, which says the government needs to cut taxes on the rich so they can use the money saved to grow their businesses, hire more people and provide their employees with larger salaries, etc., does not work.
In spite of Ronald Reagan, our "Alzheimic president", who loved to promote the theory, it has never worked but has always proven to be a means of enriching the wealthy and screwing the poor.
And no matter what our current ignorant, stupid, serial liar, sexual predator president says, it will always remain a failed promise, due to the nature of the human animal and the capitalistic system.
Friday, January 12, 2018
It is so a real airplane!
What follows is from Brad Reed at Raw Story via Alternet.
"President Donald Trump this week boasted of delivering 'F-52' jets to the Norwegian government - however, it turns out there is no such thing as an F-52.
"As the Washington Post reports, F-52 jets are fictional planes that are only found in the video game 'Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.'"
This raises the question, of course, as to whether or not da Trump is living in the real world or in the world of video games and reality shows. His cavalier attitude toward the use of nuclear weapons is not only a sign of a deranged human being but of a human being that cannot clearly distinguish what happens in the video game, "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare," and the reality of life on this planet in the year 2018.
Thus, he's oblivious to the danger represented by the fact that there is a real person, also as mentally deranged as he is, who is the leader of the people of North Korea. This man-child is without a moral compass, is prone to impulsive actions no matter the consequence, and is easy manipulated by insults.
That last sentence is an exact description of Donald Trump. And those "advanced fighter aircraft in service of the United States of America," the F-52s, are not going to save him or us because 1) THEY DON'T EXIST, and 2) if we engage in a nuclear war it won't take long before there is nothing left to save on this entire planet!
And the Republican Party refuses to do anything about their moron in the Oval Office. They would rather destroy the earth than give up one smidgen of their power or position!
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
The Problem with Lemmings
There's some old mythology which claims that lemmings (small, hamster-like rodents) will follow a leader en-masse over a cliff to their deaths. It seems this is not true but sometimes myths serve a purpose such as detailed in this wonderful cartoon above.
I'm not sure of the source, but I believe this cartoon was in the comment section of an article on Crooks & Liars.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
The Best Governor for Florida
When we think about someone who could be a good governor for the State of Florida, no Republicans come to mind for the Republican Party in Florida lives in a state of unreality, a state which gives to the rich, takes from the poor, and offers nothing of value to the great majority of people who live in Florida..
The Republican Party in Florida is a copy of the national Republican Party.
Thus, we turn to the Democrats. There are two contenders. One is running on a platform which will turn the state towards the values of truth, integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, caring for the young and the old, etc. The other's platform shows the person to be a DINO (Democrat in Name Only), for this person's values square up with the Republican values which have dragged our state through the mud year after year.
The following chart is a graphic portrayal of the values for which each candidate stands:
The Republican Party in Florida is a copy of the national Republican Party.
Thus, we turn to the Democrats. There are two contenders. One is running on a platform which will turn the state towards the values of truth, integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, caring for the young and the old, etc. The other's platform shows the person to be a DINO (Democrat in Name Only), for this person's values square up with the Republican values which have dragged our state through the mud year after year.
The following chart is a graphic portrayal of the values for which each candidate stands:
The primary election is set for August 28, 2018. Please get out and vote for
Andrew Gillum, the mayor of the great city of Tallahassee!
Thanks for Ybor City Stogie for the above chart.
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