Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bobby Jindal Gets A Jump-Start On His Right-Wing Prayer Rally | Right Wing Watch

Bobby Jindal Gets A Jump-Start On His Right-Wing Prayer Rally | Right Wing Watch


William Kendall said...

Which one of the Republican inner circle is sleaziest and most vile depends on who's talking at any given time, but Jindal tends to be up there frequently.

Bob Poris said...

Another candidate for Savior to join Romney, Rubio, Gomer, another bush, and any other nominated by God or his surrogate. Too bad the Burning Bush burned out, It had as much sense and ability as some of them to solve the problems of the USA, plus help the rest of the world to survive.

Will God help us all or not this time around? Is Jesus returning this time or not. So far we have not seen any real sign he wants to visit this planet, even the great vacations spots like Tel Aviv, NYC, San Francisco, Ocala. Paris, London, etc

Bob Poris said...

It would be great if he won. He is needed!

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