Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stupidity will destroy the U.S.

[Photo of Mike Pitt from here.]

The Last Chance Democracy Cafe recently ran an article titled, "No, not fire nor even ice: stupidity will end the world!"

This was a pointed piece aimed at the numbnuts in our national legislature who, because of a couple snowstorms, claim there is no such thing as global warming.

"Global warming legislation isn't being killed by tea partiers, Rush Limbaugh or even Matt Drudge (although intelligent public discourse is). It's being killed by our elected representatives in Washington, a majority of whom fully understand the threat climate change poses, yet have chosen not to act."

This, says LCDC, is stupidity in spades!

I agree wholeheartedly. But stupidity rears its ugly head with regard to almost every other issue that has to do with the public welfare; our common good. The Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs and Ann Coulters of the world are doing their stupid best to bring down our country and our president for their own devious benefit, but throughout the legislatures of our land there are masses of numbnuts who are doing as much or more damage.

Here's an example. Mike Pitts is a Repugnican and a state representative in South Carolina. Now, I know that South Carolina's government is filled with just about as many assholes as is Texas' government, but Pitts stands with Jim DeMint on the same level of idiocy and chicanery.

Mr. Pitts introduced a law that would ban "the unconstitutional substitution of Federal Reserve Notes for silver and gold coin" in his home state. This means that in the "great" state of South Carolina, you'd have to use silver or gold to pay any debt you incurred. No more paper money with the Great Satan's (U.S. Government) seal on it!

Pitts claims that the U.S. economic system is going down in flames and he's just trying to get South Carolina ready to deal with such a catastrophe. He believes that because he's a nogoodnik Repugnican who somehow missed the massive deficit spending of Georgi Bush but blames the mess Bush made on our current elected leader, Mr. Obama.

Nothing racial, you understand.

Now, the bill is clearly unconstitutional from the start. Furthermore, as others have pointed out, silver and gold can't serve as currency because their value fluctuates.

Does that bother Pitts. Nah, he likes stuff he can hold in his hands. Real stuff, not paper money stuff.

Oh, this is also about states' rights. The feds have been intruding "on states' rights for eight years."

Hmmm. Isn't this why South Carolina started the Civil War?

Yep. Stupidity is gaining ground. The major threats to this country are not from without, but from within: from the Pitts, the DeMints, the Pawlentys, the Perrys, Repugnicans in general, FAUX News, and all their ilk.

1 comment:

Tommy Korioth said...

Just when you think they couldn't get any stupider they want to get rid of money. Unless we support these nut cases we'll never be able to expose who the republicans are.

Mike Pitts should be encouraged.

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