Tuesday, February 23, 2010

National Prayer Campaign to save the U.S.

[Photo of Cindy Jacobs from here.]

On January 1, a national prayer campaign called "Root 52" began with a bunch of christianist numbnuts praying for our "national political leaders."

This so-called prayer campaign was organized by a couple of goofy religionists, Mike and Cindy Jacobs, who make money off the ignorant and gullible by pretending they know there is a god who really cares about the U.S. and will spare us from going down the tubes if we only abase ourselves before him, or her, as the case may be.

So, Mike and Cindy want people to pray that the U.S. will return to its "prophetic covenant roots," whatever that means, but suggests they really believe that the U.S. was/is a Christian nation founded by their Christian god.

This is a 52 week campaign and it's moving from state to state in the order they came into the union.

According to Mike and Cindy, "If we will take our place in repentance, bowing low before God in humility with fervent prayer and fasting, seeking God's face and his heart towards our nation, we believe that united with God and one another, a nation can be shifted."

Yup. Shifted from its secular nastiness, its drift toward "socialism," its tendency to treat gays like people, its refusal to allow christianists to impose their beliefs on the rest of us ... and won't that be fine? Just what their god wants! "...we will see the walls of deception, seduction, lies and rhetoric come down like those of Jericho."

Do you think they're talking about Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter and the other freaks that hang out at FAUX News trying to drag our nation down and make our president fail? Do you think they're talking about those morons that gathered at CPAC and spewed out "walls of deception, seduction, lies and rhetoric"?


These are people who want to take control of our government and turn it into their christianist fiefdom from which they can run your life and mine!

They're sick puppies. Unfortunately, there are thousands, millions of people, perhaps, who follow them on this ungodly merry-go-round.

Fortunately, as we all know, prayer doesn't work. It is pissing in the wind. There isn't any god "up there" waiting for people to fall on their faces in "humility" with "fervent prayer and fasting."

Cindy and Mike like their mentor, C. Peter Wagner, are dominionist con artists who would destroy the very foundations of our country! If there are any people guilty of establishing "walls of deception, seduction, lies and rhetoric," it is the dominionists (of which Sarah Palin is one)! They are very dangerous!

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