Sunday, April 27, 2008

Broun Fights Porn for Fighting Men (& Women)

You'll remember Paul Broun, the neophyte Republican congressman from Georgia, the killer of animals, the physician from Athens, the one who insists on the comma in the Pledge of Allegiance, the one who found Jesus and thinks it is his job as a Congressperson of the United States of America to bring everyone else to Jesus and make our nation into a godly, Christian nation...

Well, thanks to the folks over at therawstory, we have learned that dumbo is at it again. He, and 15 other Congressional dumbos, supported by such fine uptight, moralistic, puritanic groups as the Alliance Defense Fund and the American Family Association (the latter group being the one that believes it has the right to determine what Americans read, see, or hear), have sponsored "a bill that would strengthen the ban on sales of adult-themed publications on U.S. military installations."

Yep, you heard it right. These clowns of righteousness want to tell our fighting men and women what they can and can't read while they are in the service.

Currently, the Department of Defense operates under the restrictions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997 which "bans the sale of 'sexually explicit material' on property under Department of Defense jurisdiction..." But, some stuff still gets through if it isn't too terribly "sexually explicit."

So, hail to our hero, the animal killer from Athens, the lover of Jesus and all things good and holy, Mr. Paul Broun: His bill, H.R. 5821, aka the Military Honor and Decency Act, would shut down any nasty, little loopholes that might allow one of our fighting men and women the opportunity to see a nekkid human being, or human beings having a little sexual fun with one another. It's OK, of course, for them to see little kids blown up in the streets of Baghdad and to see blood and guts flying every which-where, but don't let them see anything having to do with human sexual activity. God, as they understand her, doesn't like human sexual activity.

Broun, the pious fraud, says "As a Marine, I am deeply concerned for the welfare of our troops and their mission. Allowing the sale of pornography on military bases has harmed military men and women by: escalating the number of violent, sexual crimes; feeding a base addiction; eroding the family as the primary building block of society; and denigrating the moral standing of our troops both here and abroad. Our troops should not see their honor sullied so that the moguls behind magazines like Playboy and Penthouse can profit. The 'Military Honor and Decency Act' will right a bureaucratic--and moral--wrong."

Wow! That's more bullshit from a member of Congress than I've heard in a long time. None of what he says has any basis in fact! And furthermore, it is not the business of our government to tell us what we can or cannot read or see or hear.

Someone grab Mr. Broun and point him to the United States Constitution, the very First Amendment! Someone suggest to Mr. Broun that if he doesn't want to abide by the Constitution and instead wants to reshape the ideas and beliefs of the nation into some kind of Christian theocratic state, he should resign immediately and take up fundamentalist preaching. He could start his own mega-church, the Broun Bag of Bullshit.

Isn't it wonderful that our fighting men and women, under tremendous pressure and in constant fear for their lives have the backing of such men as Broun and bunch? I mean, what about weapons and bullets and humvees and body armour and...well, you name it. How about coming up with a plan to bring these fighting men and women home in one piece? How about providing them with proper medical care when they get home? How about seeing to the mental health of the estimated 300,000 fighting men and women who are having a hell of a time getting their act back together after being bombed in Baghdad or assaulted in Afghanistan?

Is this what you think is supporting the troops, Mr. Broun, censoring what they can read on their military base far from home?

Is this the freedom they are fighting for, Mr. Broun, the freedom not to be able to read what they want to read?

What next, Mr. Broun - are you going to require them to read a chapter of the Christian Bible every night? You know, seeing as how you're a Marine and all and so damn concerned about their moral welfare and eternal souls!

Join the Salvation Army, Mr. Broun, if you insist on being a warrior for Christ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These guys seem to keep coming out of the woodwork. If the troops do not want to see magazines, they will not buy them. They are adults and are fighting for freedom, we are told. One of those freedoms should be the right to make choices as adults usually do. I was under the impression that free choice was given by God to humans. Who is this guy to change that? Is it possible to give a test to all members of both Houses on the words and meaning of our Constitution and let the public know the results of the tests? If he doesn’t trust our troops to make adult decisions re reading material, they should not be trusted with weapons that can kill people.
Bob Poris

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