Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rich Santorum believes single moms give the Dems an advantage!

It's hard to describe someone as despicable as is Rick Santorum.  One of the things the Roman Catholic Church could do to scrub its image is excommunicate Santorum.  Can someone be excommunicated just for being incredibly stupid and prejudiced?

1 comment:

Richard Kane said...

Lowel I wish you didn't sound so flippant.

The Catholic Church should ex-communicate Rick Sanatorium needs serious discussion and effort.

Unfortunately he was once my Senator. I'm Richard Kane from PA He constantly condemned abortion while wrapping himself in the Catholic Church while he fought the Popes position on Capitol Punishment and Immigration. For two centuries the Catholic church resisted becoming segregated in the South.

Interestingly the Mormon church quietly but persistently opposes the criminalization of immigrants, while immigration activists who are Hispanic and Mormon are constantly lobbying the church to do more the way pro-life Catholics constantly urge the Catholic Hierarchy to do more. The Mormon Church standing up to Romney before election day is not out of the question.

Santorum wants to fight obesity by cutting food-stamps, and thinks Ron Paul's isolationism is hardhearted, Santorum wants to rain Christ's bombs from the sky to impose Christ's love the way al Qaeda spreads Allah's compassion.

A few people actually listen to Jesus' suggestions and at the same time call him Divine, mainly Mennonites.

But even groups that follow Jesus' suggestions less like the Catholic Church could cry out against those who do with opposite of what Jesus wants or wanted, in Christ's name.

For once not a dimes worth of difference isn't true in Iowa. Ron and Rick are exact opposites,

Richard Kane


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