Monday, June 21, 2010

Texas GOP - Evil incorporated

Just when I think things can't get any worse in Texas, things get worse in Texas!

Don't get me wrong: I like Texas. I lived in Texas for 14 years! But I am ashamed of Texas. I am ashamed that the people of Texas have elected such a stupid governor and so many stupid legislators. I'm ashamed of the Texas State Board of Education. I am particular ashamed that so many Texans affiliate with what is arguably one of the most reprehensible and ignorant political parties in our national history - the Republican Party of Texas.

Think Progress has the story.

"Just months after the Republican Attorney General challenged a same-sex couple's request to divorce, the state GOP is pushing even further in their new 2010 platform. Taking a page from the heinous Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill, the GOP both wants to criminalize marrying a same-sex couple and reinstate a sodomy ban."

The entire article is here. Read it and weep for Texas.

1 comment:

Tommy Korioth said...

The republicans here have always been obsessed with sodomy. Many here theorize that it's because they don't get any. Others say it's just jealousy. Either way I rarely tell anyone what state I'm from. It's the state of insanity.

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