Sunday, May 16, 2010

Palin - pissy and whiny in Arizona

Arizona's new anti-immigration law is just fine according to the once-upon-a-time governor of Alaska, Ms. Prissy Palin. She appeared with Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, at a news conference yesterday to defend this legal mishmash which will, according to many people, lead to racial profiling.

So far as I understand it, if an Arizona copper thinks you looks suspicious, he/she can stop you to determine if you are in Arizona legally or illegally. If he/she is convinced you are not legal, you can be arrested and deported. Just like that.

It's curious why Palin and her pack of perverted supporters want to pick on illegals and other folks on the bottom rungs of society. Are they afraid these powerless people, scraping out a barely sustainable existence are a threat to them?

One hundred and fifty years ago they would have probably led the charge against the Irish and the Swedes and the Germans and all those other nogoodniks who made their way to our shores to do the jobs that nobody else wanted to do. But then if you make $12 million a year running around the country spouting nonsense and writing books that every literate person laughs at, you can afford to take pot shots at the poor.

But the point of all this is that Palin proclaimed Arizona's law is Obama's fault! Yup! That goddamn Muslim in the White House is the reason that some damn fools in Arizona (including the governor) passed and signed this law into existence.

How can that be, you ask? Well, poor Arizona had to pass the law because the federal guv'mint ain't done its job! "Secure our borders, Mr. President," cried Ms. Palin.

Of course, in the eyes of Ms. Palin, noted airhead, failed governor and former beauty queen, the lack of a coherent immigration policy is Obama's fault alone. The Repugs in Congress whose only reason for existence is to make Obama fail, have no responsibility for reworking our immigration policies in Palin's eyes. Furthermore, the thought that our country is currently facing other very severe problems created by these same Repugs and the party of Palin would never enter Palin's head.'s Obama's fault!

With regard to Arizona's immigration law, someone should ask Ms. Pissy & Whiny, a dedicated believer in Jesus and the end times, what would Jesus do? The reason being, of course, that Arizona's draconian and illegal anti-immigration law is not Obama's fault at all. It's Jesus' fault! Yup! According to those fiction writers who created the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus went around taking care of the poor and needy, the outcasts of society. He even said rich people weren't gonna get into heaven. Oh, oh! Watch out Palin! You're heading for the flaming plains of hell!

You can read more on Palin's pissiness and whininess, here.

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