Saturday, May 15, 2010

For Bill McCollum the ends justify the means

[Photo of McCollum from here - great article, too!]

We've written before how, for many Repugnicans and right-wing christianist freaks, the ends justify the means. Anything goes if it helps Repugs keep or obtain political power or if it somehow satisfies the perverted theology of fundamentalist Christians.

George Rekers is a fundamentalist Christian and Southern Baptist minister. He is a right-wing christianist freak and is "rabidly anti-gay." Rekers writes books and gives lectures on the evils of homosexuality and how the "disease" can be overcome with the help of Jesus (and himself).

Rekers, as everyone knows, is also the character who took a male "escort" on a 10-day vacation trip to Europe. Rekers has a bad back or something, and didn't want to lift his own baggage, so he did the "natural" thing and hired a "lifter" from Rentboy.Com. Unfortunately, not only was Rekers was caught on camera lifting his luggage while "rent boy" looked on but "rent boy" ratted him out by describing a variety of "nude sexual massages" he provided for the anti-gay minister.

This is where Bill McCollum comes in. McCollum is Florida's Attorney General. Currently, he is running for governor of the Sunshine State. He is also an unreconstructed Repugnican of the worst kind - the kind that thinks anything goes if it will help the Repugnican Party.

Florida has a law that bans gay couples from adopting children; one of the worst of such laws in the entire country! When McCollum needed to defend this ban in court and was not able to find a "reputable witness," McCollum hired the Rev. Rekers.

Not only so, but he paid Mr. Rekers $120,000 of TAX PAYER money for his "testimony," in spite of the fact that "Rekers is part of a small cadre of homophobes-for-hire that charge top dollar for their bogus 'expert' witness testimony despite the fact that they've been discredited over and over again."

Rekers is just another scummy preacher, hiding his real persona in a closet, while making a mint out of homophobic rants. To hell with him. But McCollum is a paid public servant who is expected to serve all the people of the State of Florida. He doesn't do that. He serves the ultra-right-wing conservative wingnuts most of whom are flat-earth christianists!

Why would he hire a low-life like Rekers. Well, says McCollum, "there wasn't a whole lot of choice." Hah, hah. It gets funnier. Now he says he wouldn't do it again. He just didn't know! Heh, heh!

He shouldn't be elected as the proverbial dog-catcher!

Well, there's much more and you can read Mr. Rogers entire article here.

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