Sunday, April 11, 2010

David Vitter, family values and community organizers

[Photo from here]

Salon has an article about David Vitter's appearance at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference being held in New Orleans this weekend. It's rather surprising that Vitter showed up at all, considering his penchant for hookers and hanging out in diapers, but if there is one thing the Repugnicans have, it's gall!

Unfortunately, the name "Southern Republican Leadership Conference," is quite misleading. There is no "leadership" in the Republican Party if you think of leadership as having to do with offering viable programs to solve problems.

Nevertheless, there he was, the family-values Congressman hisself. As Salon described it, "...Saturday morning, Vitter strolled out to introduce former Sen. Rick Santorum -- and to push back a bit against President Obama. 'If that's the choice in 2012, I'll take a TV personality over a community organizer any day...'"

First of all, I find it utterly amazing that this and other Repugnican clowns find it proper to beat up on community organizers. I know that community organizers sometimes find themselves fighting the powers-that-be (who are mostly Repugnican), but still, they do good work amidst very difficult circumstances.

One might ask, what Vitter has done lately? Oops! We know the answer to that one. And while the implication was that he would choose Palin over Obama in 2012, we know the truth: this Jesus-loving, family values Repugnican, would take a hooker over his wife! And did. Several hookers, it seems. So maybe his choice for 2012 should be considered with a great deal of skepticism.

If there was any moral structure to the Republican Party these days, the delegates would have booed him off the stage!

The hypocrisy is mind-blowing!


Bob Poris said...

I wonder why the Dems do not use the picture of Vitter in their campaigns against him. The sub heading could be something on the order “is this the man you want representing you in Congress?”

I imagine a corner of a TV ad for his opponent could spare a picture of him with a hooker or two, also. Maybe, if the voters knew more about what they re really like, it might make a difference. I think the tactics used by one side should always be fought with similar tactics by the victims. If the Dems have similar character deficient people, they should not run them. We will never get back to responsible representatives on both sides, if we do not fond a way to expose them during the campaign. The Swift Boaters should have ben exposed and responded to immediately by some branch of the party, so that the candidate could discuss the issues.

The next elections will be dirty and will avoid the real issues. Why doesn’t someone ask the Republicans to tell us how they had planned to pay for the two wars and all the other things that ran up over a trillion dollar deficit, after blowing thru the Clinton surplus. If they had no plan the public should know it.

Anonymous said...

You left out the live chickens and sheep.

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