Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Republicans believe about Obama and Obama's response

Okay, this probably isn't news, but it's still important because it shows clearly how deep is the pit into which the Repugnican Party has fallen; it shows clearly that Repugnicans in the "heartland" are still as stupid as broomsticks; and it is scary as hell.

This from a new Harris Poll:

+ 67 percent of Republicans believe that Obama is a socialist.

+ 57 percent of Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim

+ 45 percent of Republicans are certain that Obama was not born in this country and thus is not eligible to be president

+ 38 percent of Republicans claim Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did"

+ 24 percent of Republicans avow that Obama could be the anti-Christ

Whew! What a bad guy we have as president. I mean, he hasn't started a war; he's worked hard to get the economy back on track; he's struggled to pass meaningful legislation with bi-partisan support and received no bi-partisan help; he's revived our standing in the world; he's trying to do something about the environmental crisis; about renewable energy; about government waste; and he's gotten a health care reform bill passed against all odds.

But what really shows his true colors, his penchant for socialism, his hidden communistic beliefs, is that he gives his money away. Yup! You may recall he received the Nobel Peace Prize which came with a $1.4 million check!

Well, Obama, being a truly terrible person, is giving it all away! Can you imagine? What profligacy! If he was a true-blue, god-fearing American, he'd buy a new car, a new TV, and a closet full of guns!

But noooooo. He's giving money to Fisher House, "a national nonprofit that houses families whose loved ones are receiving care at Veterans Administration medical centers. He will give another $200,000 to the Bush-Clinton Haiti Fund to help the country recover from the earthquake."

The rest is going to a variety of organizations, "including education foundations, scholarship funds and regional development groups in Africa and Central Asia."

Ah, the temerity of such dastardly business. Don't you just long for the days of Bush and Cheney when greed and self-serving canards ruled the day?


mjs said...

I saw Obama on TV. He is apparently only fourteen inches tall, though I have a friend who has a big screen TV and claims that Obama is as much as twenty-six inches tall. We are living in very different worlds.

p.s. I use to see God in the after-hours static on my old B&W Zenith--you had to squint a little, but he was there, flying through space. God was eventually replaced by infomercials (pity, he would have been great in a Snuggies ad). This old world just spins too fast, by gum.


Bob Poris said...

I find this interesting. I do not know if it is accurate or true though. I have heard many of these items here in my community and in many letters to the Editor.

I suspect that the Harris Polls are respected by many.

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