Monday, November 9, 2009

Christopher Hitchens takes on the Catholic Church

I don't always agree with Christopher Hitchens, in particular I have found his support of the war in Iraq reprehensible, but I agree 100% with everything he has to say as he decimates Roman Catholicism for its anti-human behavior over the past 2000 years!

Once he is done speaking, a British woman convert to Catholicism takes Mr. Hitchens to task. She bombs badly and looks, quite frankly, like a total fool.

h/t to God is For Suckers

1 comment:

Wolynski said...

Hitchens is a sublime, dynamic writer (and a wretched drunk, but that's neither here nor there)- love his stuff on religion, but the man is suspect. It's not how wonderfully you express yourself, it's what you stand for. Only people who've never been bombed can advocate it for others.

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