Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care Hypocrites by Rachel Maddow

If you never see another video or read another story about the so-called health care debate, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO!

There is no end to right wing hypocrisy and as I've said before, no end to the stupidity of the American people who believe what right wingers say about anything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Newt Gingrich and Jeb Bush have sold their souls to the devil by claiming to be Catholic.

Palin, Gingrich and Limbaugh speak out of whichever side of their mouths will generate the rewards of their love of deadly sins, i.e., greed, lust for power, etc.

Like the old time Nazis, their tricks are pretty much the same. Point fingers and scream. "Hey look there's a Nazi!" The Republicans doth protest too much.

You are wonderful Ms. Maddow
Keep chasing the lovers of money
back under their rocks and right to their real master and final destiny in Hell.

Sorry Newt -Hell has no hookers because they are more honest that you and your crook friends.

Lastly, Limbaugh scares everyone because he will take action that makes one regret they got involved.

Thanking God for my disability check after a near-fatal car accident that was a hit and run during rush hour.

Palin calls a living will a death panel. Ms. Palin don't you read anything? I want a living will because I want certain treatment at the end of my life.

Maybe if you fake Christian anti-Christs would stop spreading fear instead what Jesus preached the most. Remember that preaching? Love. It is the devil that loves to divide and conquer. God sees right in your black right winged hearts.

Please people -wake up to reality.


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