Thursday, May 22, 2008

McCain & Hagee - the Tale of Two Stooges!

This is just too funny. And rather sad.

The tale of two stooges!

McCain finally figured out that Hagee said lots of bad things about Jews and other people and had some really wacko ideas and is certifiably insane.

Hagee finally realized that McCain would jump to any side of the fence if it would bring him another vote or two and that McCain probably isn't a "born-again" Christian; hell, he probably isn't even a Baptist!

So, today, McCain "rejected the endorsement of megachurch pastor and ardent Zionist John Hagee after learning of a sermon in which Hagee posited that Nazism was God's will."

How is it that McCain is just getting the word now?

Anyway, old flip-flopping John said that he found Hagee's statements "deeply offensive and indefensible," and he said, "I repudiate them." Then he went on with as much fake sincerity as McCain can muster, to say that he "must reject his endorsement as well."

Here's the humorous part: Hagee turned right around and rejected McCain's rejection and said he was taking back his endorsement of McCain as well! The reason he was doing this, of course, was so people wouldn't think badly of McCain. He said that bad people have been digging up things he had said in the past so they could misconstrue what he had said or meant or something and make him sound like a bad guy when he's really a good guy and a man of the Lord and a prophet who can take a 1,500 year old piece of scripture and tell you exactly what it means for your life and the whole world today!

Hagee said he's "tired of these baseless attacks and fear that they have become a distraction in what should be a national debate about important issues."

Well, Hagee, old chap, they're not "baseless," as we can quote you chapter and verse, and when you go around spouting off about how we need a nuclear war with Iran so your beloved End Times comes crashing down killing all the Jews and all people who are not fundamentalist Christians and you get to be whooshed naked up into the heavens (God, is that a horrible mental picture!), and when you actually talk to a president who talks to God and you work to bolster his already insane notions of a nuclear conflict with Iran, that is a pretty damn important issue!

Poor McCain, though. He's stuck. He's made so many stupid mistakes and errors in judgment he doesn't know what to do. So, old John, who claims he's going to run a "clean" campaign, immediately grabbed this opportunity to sling dirt and that's just what he did: He said, well at least Hagee wasn't my pastor and I didn't sit in his church and listen to his sermons for twenty years, like someone else named Barack Obama did with his pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

What a wuss!

A pox on both their houses!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would think that when anyone says that God somehow endorsed the killing of three out of every five Jews in all of Europe (including babies, women, children etc) with the help of far too many plain citizens, members of churches, religious officials, etc, we must question their sanity and their basic belief systems.
If God really did endorse such madness, we should condemn Him.
Hagee is an accomplished hater. His attitude towards the Catholic Church and any religious view other than his own, should tip us off as to his character. How McCain found him responsible is beyond me. Jews like Hagee because he is an ardent supporter of Israel. His motives though have little to do with its well being after the Rapture though.
I think Israel is a friend of the USA; a democratic state in the midst of feudal and evil dictatorships. It has contributed heavily to all sorts of wonderful medical and humanitarian causes. It has prospered in spite of all odds and the never ending hostility from a wide range of people all over the world. It has rid the world of two dangerous nuclear sites because no one else would! It is expected to get rid of Iran’s for the same reasons. It has fought terrorism for 60 years and managed to absorb over 700,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands while establishing itself as a first world state. It should be recognized as an equal to all member states in the UN but that has not happened.
Hagee sees it as a prerequisite for the end of times. What drivel.
Bob Poris

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