In an article titled "Evangelicals, Huckabee allied to sink McCain?", Novak says McCain "has a problem of disputed dimensions with a vital component of the conservative coalition: the evangelicals."
That's not really news. We've read about James Dobson and others threatening to boycott the election if McCain is the Republican nominee. We hope they do. We hope a many millions of the wackos and wingnuts on the right boycott the election! Stay home!
What I thought more interesting was the mentality of some of these kooks as described by Novak. Theirs is a mentality so distorted by mendacious religious concerns, they have no sense as to what this country is about or what it stands for. They are twisted, grotesque, figures of religious hatred and bigotry.
Thus, writes Novak, "An element of the Christian community is not reconciled to McCain's candidacy but instead regards the prospective presidency of Barack Obama in the nature of a biblical plague visited upon a sinful people." This "element of the Christian community" does not consider itself part of the "sinful people," of course!
Behind this notion, Novak suggests, might stand the no longer fat figure of the reprehensible Mike Huckabee (Novak didn't say "reprehensible." I threw that in because it was seemed apt.) Novak says that while outwardly Huckabee is strongly supportive of McCain, "credible activists are spreading the word that Huckabee secretly allies himself with the bitter-end opposition." Furthermore, critics of Huckabee's 10-year tenure as governor of Arkansas "say he is all too capable of playing a double game."
Now, for the best part: Someone in the wingnut Christian right whom Novak believes believable said Huckabee has "embraced the concept that an Obama presidency might be what the American people deserve. That fits what has largely been a fringe position among evangelicals, that the pain of an Obama presidency is in keeping with the Bible's prophecy."
This would all be quite hilarious except for the fact that many of these religious freaks already have insinuated themselves into various federal government crevices where daily they wreak their bitter harvest.
To believe that an Obama presidency is somehow a punishment on the American people for their unfaithfulness to a self-described despicable Christian deity, is lunacy. To actually live one's life thinking that an Obama presidency is somehow related to some ancient prophetic nonsense as recorded in a "book" that is 1500 plus years old, written by an unknown person in an unknown place, which has utterly no relevance to 2008, is indicative of a serious disconnect from reality.
Unfortunately, these people are not going away. They're talking about Huckabee for president in 2012! They want a man who will re-write the Constitution according to the laws of their dastardly god, a goal that Huckabee has promised to promote. These are people who yearn for a return to the Dark Ages.
It will take a great deal of hard work by honorable, ethical people to defend this land from these Bible-thumping fruitcakes. We must elect educated, principled, liberal, open and intelligent people in order to ensure a livable and sustainable world for our children and grandchildren.
1 comment:
Perhaps a just and vengeful God will sestroy those that seek evil to happen to others because they hear voices, probably the Devil’s, will get around to checking out the USA in search of evil. For some of us, the USA has been a worthwhile experiment of governance. It has done more good for the greatest numbers than any other system I know of from as long as there have been records. (I suspect the ancient Jews wrote before many people had descended from trees and attempted to learn a language) the far right conservatives seem to think that their God invented the USA and populated it with good Christian people and some very bad disciples of the Devil just to keep in in some tension, other than sexual. Apparently they believe that evil won and only they can correct it. They do not seem to believe in an all powerful God that can take care of Himself and change anything He wants changed. A weak God could not have survived all these centuries. There were no Huckabees around apparently, to do God’s work yet the world survived all that God threw at it. Now it is China and Burma’s time to get punished and it is worse than New Orleans. I doubt if China or Burma is openly as gay and licentious as New Orleans is reputed to be, but God does move in mysterious ways, we are told. I wonder which nation is next. Who is more evil than those the religious right has condemned to real trouble? The Shadow knows but he ain’t telling.
Bob Poris
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