Senator Joseph Lieberman is a loose cannon; no one is quite sure what he is going to do or say, next.
For example, Lieberman proudly pronounces that he would consider giving the keynote speech at the Republican National Convention this fall. In fact, he would do just about anything to help McCain win the presidency. But Lieberman's pandering didn't end there. He "also praised Rush Limbaugh for his 'love for our country and support for our troops.'" Lieberman claimed that the fat, fatuous, phony "...has a big voice but he has heart (sic) that is even bigger." (I think he meant to refer to Limbaugh's ass!)
Lieberman still holds the chairmanship of the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. About a month ago, Harry Reid, the Democratic poohbah in the Senate was asked if Lieberman's stupidities would make his removal as chair of that committee a probability. Reid said, "No."
One month later, Reid is talking to Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, and in that conversation Reid implies that Lieberman's "ownership" of his chairmanship is not guaranteed. When asked if Lieberman could do something so idiotic that he'd lose that chairmanship, Reid said, "Yes, of course."
Everyone knows the Senate is an exalted form of a "good old boys" club where everyone's scratching everyone else's back and deals are made behind closed doors in what used to be smoke-filled rooms, but now smell of stale sweat and taste of fear.
So when you ask why in god's name is Lieberman still chairman of that committee, you get an answer like the one given by Dick Durbin, the Majority Whip: "...I can tell you time and again, he's been there when we've needed him."
Maybe so. But he's not there now and he hasn't been there for quite awhile. After seeing Lieberman prancing about the Middle East with his dumbness, McCain, and listening to him feed McCain answers when McCain gave his clueless stare, the Democrats controlling the Senate should have kicked his disloyal butt back up to Connecticut.
Lieberman used to call himself a Democrat. He's not even close these days. I think the word usually used for what he's done is "traitor." Show the clown the exit!
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