Did you read about this in the media?
Leonard Doyle, a journalist for The Independent in the UK, reports that "Two top aides to the Republican presidential nominee John McCain have been forced to resign over their ties to the Burmese military junta, providing yet another embarrassment for Mr. McCain who is trying to present himself as the scourge of special interests in Washington."
Mr. McCain may still get away with his masquerade as "the scourge of special interests," as our media just can't seem to tell the truth about ol' John, their buddy who bullshits with them as they travel around campaigning.
Doyle does point out rather neatly, though, that McCain is a fraud, presenting a facade that has little or no relationship to reality.
Now these guys that resigned were not licking stamps or sealing envelopes. Douglas Goodyear was the fellow going to run the 2008 Republican convention. He was "connected to a lobbying firm that has represented Burma's military leaders."
Wait, stop right there! What the hell's that about? Burma's military leaders are some of the worst nasties on earth. They rule with an iron fist, and shoot or jail anyone who has the temerity to question anything they do! So what's a lobbyist for these clowns doing on McCain, the "purity" candidate's staff? Not only so, but why is a lobbyist for these clowns given the job of running the Republican convention?
Ah, shucks, the U.S. media may not know or care, but as Mr. Doyle points out, everyone else knows that "While Mr. McCain publicly portrays himself as a crusader against special interests, many of his closest advisers are former or current lobbyists." (My emphasis.)
So, let's see: Doug Davenport, former head honcho for DCI (DCI also had links to the Burma bastards) and a McCain aide, quit. Charlie Black, McCain's campaign chief, quit, too; not his McCain job, but from the chairmanship of his lobbying firm, "BKSH Worldwide, a subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller which is run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's former chief strategist, who resigned after another lobbyist controversy."
This is one hell of an incestuous business!
But I think we've heard enough about Mr. McCain, the "maverick," the "straight-shooter," the anti-lobbyist, the one who never changes his mind, etc., etc.
When you look at McCain closely, you see the only things he's got going for him are his wife's money, the media, and the fact he got shot down in Vietnam and then told the North Vietnamese everything they wanted to know.
Other than that, he's just another right-wing Washington insider, one of the upper-crust, a tried and true member of the elite, with a spine that bends whichever way he thinks profitable for his career.
…but he is a war hero that got shot down and suffered as a POW. What if after many years as a Senator and many years after his return to a more normal life, he became a real person. Got involved with Keating, got too close to lobbyists and has a pretty good financial donor, (his wife). He is charming, willing to work on some things with Democrats, has a great story to tell and is well liked by the media and most of the country. Can’t we go another four years with such a man? We have survived with far worse for seven plus years. No one is perfect. He has wanted to be President for a long time. Can’t we afford a lousy four years more to give this man what he wants? Why are you so mean? Have you no faith that the American people can somehow manage to survive another four years? By then we might even have some kind of democracy in Iraq and enough left here to struggle thru another war or two.
Incidentally, the older Bush also got shot down and survived during WW2 Maybe Republicans, particularly those that managed to avoid serving in any war, really like guys that got shot down. Maybe the Democrats could find a war time pilot that survived combat mission without getting shot down. I think that might be step up. It would be even better if they found one that survived many combat mission, got lots of medal and can prove he bled enough to satisfy all the draft dodger’s concept of the Purple Heart and its criteria.
That's too big a "what if" and furthermore all indications are that he never turned into a "real" person or a person at all.
He's a Bush clone.
Bush far worse? Nah. They're both about as bad. McCain may be worse than Bush. McCain is willing to send our men and women off to die in Iraq (for what he didn't say) for another 100 years. You know, he likes to talk the "war hero" talk: Whatever it takes. Ha!
We'll never have democracy in Iraq and who cares? Democracy had absolutely nothing to do with our Iraqi adventure...
I'm not sure how many Repugnicans "liked" the old man Bush, even if he did get shot down. The rich and super rich liked him a lot, but I think he was always considered kinda "iffy" by the rank and file.
And he was a lousy prez.
Not as bad as his son, tho.
No one have been as bad as his son.
McCain might come close.
I like being mean!
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