Chapter 7, titled "Bible Study," and Matt describes a Sunday morning at Hagee's San Antonio Cornerstone Church. Hagee, he says "is an orator of unusual ability. His physical form is clownish, Hagee being a round, fat man, but he can preach up a storm, with the ability to zoom "back and forth from wry folksy humor to humility to booming fire-and-brimstone hellfire and back to humor again with effortless ease."
On this particular Sunday, Hagee was beginning a new sermon series - a trio of messages called "The Edge of Time," which would "help reveal to us the mysteries of 'God's clock' and unravel the 'advanced mathematics' of the Bible, in this way helping us to understand that 2007 was going to be a 'special year' in God's plan. I got the distinct impression," says Matt, "that Hagee was hinting that something big was going to happen soon, End Times-wise."
Hagee was off and runnning, first discussing a "mysterious" woman referred to in Revelation 12. It wasn't the church, and it wasn't the Virgin Mary. It was Israel! How did he determine that. Taibbi says it "had something to do with some previous scripture involving Joseph and Israel carrying eleven stars--only Joseph himself was the twelfth star, or something like that."
Taibbi is amazed. "It was an awesome thing to watch, the way Hagee just dove up to his neck in all this hilarious horseshit and passionately sold the audience on it actually meaning something with a perfect deadpan delivery. The audience cooed."
Then he talked about the Four Horsemen, and warned that the Pale Horse is the "color of rotting flesh" and "will be given the power to destroy 25 percent of the population. This is going to happen during the Tribulation. You do not want to be there."
Hilarious horseshit to some, but dead serious business to others. Unfortunately, Hagee is crazy and none of this has anything to do with anything. He is making it all up in his own freeze-dried brain. And isn't it interesting that so many of these TV preachers love to talk about death and destruction? All the time!
Taibbi says that Hagee moved on to another tack and began talking about the "Christ of Revelation" who "is built like the Rock and roams the universe braining sinners with lead pipes."
Hagee roars, "'He is going to rule with a rod of iron!
"'How is Jesus going to crush secular humanism and liberalism and anti-Semitism and atheism? ... He is not going to ask the Supreme Court to put the Ten Commandments up in our courthouses. He is going to tell them, and they will bow down to him like children.'"
Taibbi says "The crowd roared."
"'And those judges who let men get married--he is going to cast them down into the pit of Hell to be roasted for all eternity like they deserve!'"
How sad that this fat, overblown, godforsaken phony preaches this crap to millions of people who then send him money so he can not only live like a king but continue to spew this sewage over the airwaves week after week.
Hagee and his ilk make one think that perhaps there is a devil wandering the Earth creating disharmony and hatred. I'm not suggesting that he's the devil, but he is certainly doing the devil's work. And for Hagee to suggest that his message is somehow related to the Jesus found in the Synoptic Gospels is irresponsible. There is no connection! Even though we know very little about the Jesus as represented in the first three Gospels, we can extrapolate easily enough that if confronted with Hagee, he would say, in the words of Peter, "I never knew the man."
And, as we said before, because so many people are taken in by this fat, overblown, brain-dead fraud, it may be horseshit that he preaches, but ultimately, it isn't hilarious. For Hagee also preaches the need for a nuclear conflict to set the stage for the End Times. As unbelievable as it seems, Hagee has the ear of Prezident Bush and other national Republican leaders, and Hagee has been pushing for several years to instigate a war with Iran as such a war is part of the final scenario that Hagee has concocted from his reading of so-called "prophetic" passages in certain books of a collection of ancient manuscripts known as the Bible.
We don't know who wrote these books. In some cases we can guess when some of the books were written, but for most of them there is no certainty.
To use scattered and incomprehensible pieces of these ancient materials to construct a scheme of the End Times is crazy! To believe that there is any reality in such a scheme or any truth in Hagee's preaching is even more insane.
This type of fundamentalist Christianity is sheer madness.
P.S. Nothing happened in 2007. Furthermore, why would anyone think that any God would give Hagee, a certified fruitcake, "inside" information as to "the mysteries of God's clock," and/or the "advanced mathematics of the Bible"?
1 comment:
I think Jacob would preach a different tune if some Sunday, Hagee were suddenly shorn of his clothing and whisked up to Heaven right on TV and in front of his followers. Hopefully pat Robertson and others would have been forewarned by God and they would arrange to have Fox News cover the event so we could all see living proof that God wanted Hagee to join Him in Heaven. Actually it would be a real coup if we could get Pat Robertson and others to all be stripped of their clothing and all ascend together followed by the TV cameras as far as they can. Perhaps there could be a warning that it was for adults only as there might be some male frontal nudity involved.
Sometimes people do get what they pray for and it should be covered by TV. Let us all pray!
Bob Poris
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