Name: Rajesh
Hometown: Cherry Hill, NJ
George Bush in an interview today about the sacrifice he made for the war:
"US President George W. Bush said in an interview out Tuesday that he quit playing golf in 2003 out of respect for the families of US soldiers killed in the conflict in Iraq, now in its sixth year."
When in 2003?
"The US president traced his decision to the August 19, 2003 bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad, which killed the world body's top official in Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello."
Interestingly enough, he played golf 3 months later:
"Bush's last round of golf as president dates back to October 13, 2003, according to meticulous records kept by CBS news."
The decision was tough that he made his decision in August 2003 and continued to play until October 2003. Now, that, that's sacrifice.
I think Rajesh nailed it. One has to wonder about our moronic president who is so clueless he has no idea how this garbage about his "sacrificing" golf sounds to the families of the 4,000 plus men and women who have died in his perverted attempt to boost American imperialism in the Middle East; or the 30,000 plus who have been wounded; or the million and more Iraqis who have paid the final sacrifice on the altar of Bush idiocy.
1 comment:
If Bush had spent some real time in the military, he would understand the sacrifice every soldier makes the day he/she is sworn in and gives his/her body to the superiors, that tell all service people where and what to do. A real sacrifice from him might start with getting one member of his family into a combat unit somewhere. War has not reached official Washington yet. I wonder how some soldier waiting for an attack feels about giving up golf. What an insensitive thing to claim. The blood of too many lies on his head. All leaders take responsibility for sending our youth into danger. He is the first to trivialize it officially. How sad! I think it is time for our National Veteran Organizations to let him know what sacrifice means. It is apparently a word to him and others in both Houses of Congress. Let them all visit some Veteran’s Hospitals and facilities and see what the price of freedom is. For the disabled, it is a never ending cost that cannot be reimbursed! For the families of those that have died, it is a never ending wound. Most would give up much more than golf to turn the clock back. I would.
Bob Poris
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