Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tim Tebow has God on his side!

[AP Photo by Julie Jacobson]

Over the past year or two, we've had some fun with Tim Tebow and his religious pretentions - praying and placing Bible verses on his face while playing football for the University of Florida and the Denver Broncos.
We have nothing against Tim Tebow.  He is no doubt a fine, young man.  

However, I am sick to death of this kind of in-your-face Christianity espoused by Tebow and others who think they have been called to save the world.  I'm sick of that kind of religion and those who preach it because the reality is their god is a small, incompetent pissant who can do nothing about tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, famine, floods, drought, cancer, TB, unemployment, anti-Semitism, racism, or war ... 

Hell, their god is such a numbskull he (it's always a "he") can't even shut up  asshats like Bachmann and Santorum and Romney and Gingrich, who claim to speak in his name.

Yet they seem to think that this pissant of a god gives a damn about football games and a quarterback named Tebow!  Take a bow, Tebow!!!

Tebow and his co-religionists are convinced that their god will give everyone whatever it is they pray for and eventually eternal life if they turn their hearts over to Jesus and be converted to this egregious form of fundamentalist Christianity.  

What the heck, their god might even help Tebow win a football game if he gets down on his knees and makes an ass of himself in front of millions of people every week.

It's rather amusing, really.  Tebow, who claims to love Jesus, does just the opposite of what Jesus commands.  Jesus hated public displays of piety because he knew they were inherently hypocritical.  That's why he counseled his followers not to pray on street corners (football fields) but rather go into a closet and pray SECRETLY to Yahweh!

Tebow must have missed that particular teaching!  Among other things.

My good friend, Bob Poris, after following the antics of Mr. Tebow on the gridiron, had this to say:

According to Tebow, he has God on his side when he plays. Is that fair and ethical? If an opposing player is a Muslim or a Jew, do they all pray to the same God? If so, how come Tebow gets God on his side most of the time? Are there no rules that limit outside help for a player? Should there be?

If players of other religions or none at all, win or lose, does that make the game a contest between Gods?

I wonder why God helps Tebow sometimes but not others. Is he busy elsewhere the days He does not help Tebow or is He upset because Jesus was not happy with those that loudly prayed in public and wore their religion on their sleeve, so to speak (in whatever the language He spoke those days.)

Personally my suggestion or request to whichever God is watching Tebow play, is that They devote more effort to saving lives anywhere -- people or pets who are in danger. There is a time to play games for money, and a time to help those in need. Praying to win a game seems selfish to me and should not be rewarded.

Where is it written that a single game of football is worthy of God’s attention? It is not mentioned in either the Old or New Testament as far as I know. I am sure it is not in the Koran or in any of the holy books in the Eastern religions. If Tebow has a losing streak will he continue to devote himself to Jesus or pursue some other endeavor?

Friday, December 30, 2011

President Obama Will Win In An Overwhelming Landslide in 2012....

Frank Schaeffer writes at the Huffington Post.  He says:

America is a one party state. The Democratic Party is the sole political party in the US now.

The Republican Party is no more. It is not a normal political party... It has become a clearing house for religious fanatics, Ayn Rand groupie weirdos and angry white racists driven literally mad by seeing a black man in the White House, a black man more articulate and intelligent -- not to mention annoyingly even tempered -- than they or their bizarre leaders are.

I was a Republican activist in the 1970s and 80s. My father was a founder of the religious right and I was his sidekick. What he and I did -- sadly -- still resonates today.

For instance Michele Bachmann got into politics because of reading my father's work. I escaped -- fled -- in the early 1990s. ...


As Hal Crowther writes:

The Republican Party's slapstick search for a leader would be heartwarming and sidesplitting, but for the tragic knowledge that one of these scrambling midgets will collect tens of millions of votes in the presidential election of 2012. Never have so many amounted to so little, talked so much rubbish, dreamed of an office so far above their abilities. ...

The GOP dilemma -- a golden opportunity to rule but nothing to say and no one to say it -- is so desperate that my instinct is to help them sort it out. Could we make a start, at least, by dismissing candidates who called for President Obama's birth certificate or raised the specter of Sharia law in America, followed briskly off the stage by lunatics who dismiss global warming as a socialist plot?

This is what not whom, President Obama will run against in 2012. He will be running against the "party" that in the matter of the debt crisis is happy to take the whole country with them over the cliff of loony and contradictory Bible-based/Ayn Rand-inspired, ideology into economic chaos. None of which any former Republicans, let alone any actual Christians -- i.e., those who try to follow the teachings of Christ -- would recognize.

The rest of this essay as to why Obama will win overwhelmingly in 2012 - which details his very real accomplishments and his strength of character, can be read here.

For example, Obama, in spite of the total non-cooperation of the Republican Party, "Extended child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes; killed bin Laden; increased minority access to capital; closed the 'doughnut hole' in [the] Medicare prescription drug plan, required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions" and much more.

The concluding paragraph is blunt, to the point, and absolutely on target: "As for the 'Republicans,' there are none, just a rag-tag group of losers who have hooked their despicably low expectations to bronze-age biblical myths on the one hand and a cult of anti-middle-class selfishness and union-busting, job-exporting, billionaire worship on the other."

Can anyone say "Amen!"?