Meanwhile, here are some excerpts:
1. Jews are not "spiritually alive." Wilson writes that he has "a copy of John Hagee's 'Prophecy Study Bible', which makes quite clear Hagee is talking about all Jews now living - whom Hagee singles out, from among all other non-Christians on Earth, to note that they specifically do not have living souls. Indeed, Hagee says the souls of all Jews now living are dead. Dead souls. McCain endorser John hagee (sic) says Jews have dead souls."
2. "Hitler and the Nazis were sent by God, to chase Jews back to the land of Israel. Because that's where God intends them to be. So, the Holocaust was a gruesomely inefficient system of divine 'persuasion', and Hitler and the Nazis were doing 'God's work'. But Hagee also depicts this divine ethnic cleansing imperative as a future project: it will happen..."
3. "In Hagee's 2006 'Jerusalem Countdown', Hagee says anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust, were and are the fault of Jews - a divine curse for worshiping idols."
There is much more in the article, which you can read here.
I find it interesting that on numerous occasions, representatives of the mainstream media have tried to scrub John McCain clean by reporting that McCain has said he doesn't agree with everything that John Hagee says.
They neglect to report McCain has not repudiated Hagee's endorsement and in fact has praised Hagee.
More importantly, the mainstream media ignores the story as to how McCain literally begged Hagee for almost a year for his blessing.
1 comment:
I have been hearing or reading about the evils of THE JEWS most of my life. They were Communists, Socialists, Nazis, International Bankers; controllers of all monetary institutions worldwide, controllers of world wide press and all other media, governments all over the world, all military institutions, etc….all at the same time. In addition they were personally cheap, conniving, cowardly, ugly, had long noses, lusted after Christian women, devious, and the men had small penises and the women were frigid. I also learned while in the Navy, during WW2 that they had horns, a tail and cloven hooves in addition to kinky hair. Growing up in Manhattan I found many exemptions to those rules yet the accusations remained and apparently still do. I never figured out how such a powerful fraction of the world’s population could possible be all those things and survive. On the other hand, it seemed illogical that with all that power for so many centuries, how did the “others” survive? It would seem to me that the Jews that actually do control the entire world would not allow some of the outspoken haters to survive. What good is power if you don’t use it? After WW2 we found that three out of five European Jews had been rounded up and shipped great distances to die in concentration camps or be slaughtered where they were found by their neighbors. The Jewish world population was decreased by six million and is now about 13 million worldwide. It is sort of justice to find they still control the world, banking, media, governments etc. It is strange though to find that most of the world’s richest and influential people seem to be other than Jewish. Certainly few world leaders are Jews. The Reverend Hagee and Farrakhan types continue to spew nonsense and get a great deal of money from somewhere, certainly not Jewish sources. How do they manage to survive when they offend such a powerful group? Wouldn’t it be smart to seek out Jews everywhere and turn over the world to them? They embody every survival skill known to man and control vast areas where no Jew has ben allowed to live. I will vote for a Jew to take over anything at this point. They are obviously smarter than all the others anywhere. Too bad they can’t take over the UN.What would Jesus say or do?
Bob Poris
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