Huckabee also has "hoof-in-mouth" disease. He tends to speak without thinking. He thinks he's funny.
He's not.
ABC News reports that Huckabee was addressing the annual National Rifle Association meeting in Louisville, Kentucky this week. Old Huck, the bumbling Baptist, made an "off-color" joke! From backstage came a loud bang.
Huckabee, grabbing the moment, said "That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair. He was getting ready to speak. Somebody aimed a gun at him and he...he dove for the floor."
The Republican Party really is full of morons who want to be president! This clown thinks he has what it takes to be president. Maybe he could be president of the NRA, but we don't need another bumbling fool in the White House!
What this shows, of course, is that Huckabee remains a born-again racist, and is not above playing to the racist sentiments held by too many Americans even in 2008. The fear of violence against Obama is real and our history is replete with instances of crazy people shooting those of our leaders engaged in the fight against injustice and discrimination. That's why the Secret Service has been protecting Obama from his first days on the campaign trail.
The Huffington Post has run an "update" on this incident:
"Roughly five hours after making comments about someone aiming a gun at Obama during an NRA speech, Huckabee issued the following statement:
'During my speech at the N.R.A., a loud noise backstage, that sounded like a chair falling, distracted the crowd and interrupted my speech. I made an off hand remark that was in no way intended to offend or disparage Sen. Obama. I apologize that my comments were offensive. That was never my intention.'"
Another crock of crap! What other intention could Huckabee have had? There is only one reason that someone would make a remark like that: to disparage another in a racist manner.
Huckabee is not only a phony politician, he's also a liar.
[What is rather humorous is that Huckabee actually credited Obama with having brains and good sense. Certainly, he meant to imply that by diving to the floor, Obama was a coward. But anyone who doesn't hit the floor when someone's pointing a gun at them is stupid. So, if Huckabee was trying to say he, a great gun-loving patriot, would stand unafraid when someone aimed a gun at him, he merely confirms that he really is a bumbling idiot.]
1 comment:
I thought a good Christian turns the other cheek and greets violence with love. Oh well, Christianity as practiced by so many in public life would have gotten them stoned in Biblical days. If a list of all the things Jesus was said to believe were printed instead of the Ten Commandments, and made public with a scorecard affixed, how many would get a passing grade? I think greed, lying, cheating, hate are good starters for the list to avoid. How many in public life could pass a basic test?
Bob Poris
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