Thus we have seen the construction of a Creation Museum, which is an incredibly stupid monument to ignorance and superstition yet draws thousands of people to ooh and aah about nonsensical mythological figures and events which have no historical basis whatsoever, and become even more convinced, in spite of literally tons of evidence to the contrary, that the Earth is 6,000 years old, and that humans and dinosaurs roamed the Earth together.
Now, to complement the Creation Museum, we have a Bible Park under way in Tennessee which will be at least as idiotic and in some ways, even more stupid than the Creation Museum. The Bible Park USA in Rutherford County, Tennessee, "is a non-denominational Bible-based themed attraction depicting well-loved Bible stories and providing an authentic historical representation of life as it was in ancient times in the Holy Land."
According to the Bible Park website, "The Park is without a particular religious ideology or theology and does not promote specific religious beliefs of any kind; instead, it is designed to bring to life history of Biblical times and stories from the Holy Bible."
That is all nonsense, of course. The entire operation is built on a fundamentalist, literalist view of the Bible, which treats Biblical stories, persons and events as historical, which in many cases is simply not true.
There is to be a "Galilean Village" that "depicts life in Galilee in the days of Jesus. ... Some of the stories from the Old Testament include: The Creation; The Parting of the Red Sea; Noah's Ark; Abraham and Isaac of Mt. Mariah; and others.
"The New Testament is represented by the birth of Jesus, the Crucifixion and Resurrection; the Garden of Gethsemane; and others."
Altogether, when completed, the Park will depict 50 Biblical stories.
Unfortunately, the entire operation is a bad joke. It reinforces in the minds of gullible and ignorant people a serious misunderstanding of the Bible and because it treats allegory, legend and myth as literal history, misses the point of much of what the Bible says. The two creation stories in Genesis were never meant to be taken literally, but are mythical interpretations as to how god was involved in putting together the world as these ancient people knew it.
There is literally no evidence whatsoever of the Hebrews ever being in Egypt, much less crossing a parted Red Sea. And the Egyptians kept voluminous and complete records of both minor and major events in their land. Additionally, the Hebrew words do not translate "Red Sea," but "sea of reeds," which, if one takes the story as history, gives it an entirely new location.
There was no tower of Babel, no flood, no Noah's ark, no Abraham and Isaac. Nazareth did not exist in the first century C.E. The birth of Jesus is pure legend. There is a total absence of evidence for either the crucifixion or resurrection of someone named Yeshua.
So you can play around with these Biblical stories all you want, but in the end that's all they are -- stories; not history.
I can just imagine what the Yahweh of the Bible, thundering on the mountain, would say about this Bible Park travesty. And I have a hunch I know what he would do: Bible Park USA would come to the same flaming end as Sodom and Gomorrah!
I would suggest that if you want to know the truth about the Bible you have only to ask some Jew, any Jew will do. They were the original historians and the first to write in English. Apparently ‘God dictated the Old Testament in Hebrew then had it translated into English, for some reason known only to God. I think Joseph and Mary spoke English at home but named their son Jesus, in anticipation of Spanish becoming popular later on. Perhaps they had to press one or two to select a language even then. Why did God write the tablets in English anyway? Moses probably spoke Egyptian or some other strange language so he had to find someone to translate for him, I guess. Perhaps some TV evangelist can answer such questions as God must call them regularly.
Bob Poris
Ah, another person who really doesn't know the Bible but thinks name calling gives him credibility. The bible is a literal interpretation of history that is so precise it is scary. Diligent research to prove this has been undertaken by hundreds of the best minds that ever walked this planet. I will not defend the Bible(the word of God)FURTHER.I must assume that you are under the impression that man progressed from biology that was formed in a rock somewhere in the cosmos and was somehow hurled here by some chance in a billion. Certainly you don't believe life just started somehow, do you? The greatest athestist minds(on your side?)now understand that the odds of that happening are so remote as to be silly. SOOOO yo must believe that the first cell came from somewhere out there.I won't even ask where that somewhere is or where IT came from. So, you guys believe we came from a rock and I believe That in
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, YES, an intelligent designer. Tell ya what, I,ll stick with the bible.
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