At Mulligan's Bar and Grill in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, you can buy the above T-shirt depicting Barack Obama as Curious George, the monkey from the children's books. Just ask for Mike Norman: not Normal, but Norman.
Norman is no stranger to controversy, often hanging "provocative, ultra-conservative political slogans ... on signs out front (of his bar). Norman says he got the T-shirts from someone in Arkansas. He also says he's had calls about the T-shirts and orders for the T-shirts from around the country.
Certainly this fruitcake has the right to hang controversial signs in front of his bar. He also has the right to sell these T-shirts. But in this case, "right" doesn't necessarily translate into "should."
Such a display not only illustrates that Norman is a racist and a rather sad example of human depravity, but also that we have a long way to go in this country toward the realization of the truth that we are all, under the skin, brothers and sisters.
It appears that the facade of Cobb County, Georgia has been updated since the 1960s, but not it's heart.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is actually conducting an online poll asking what people think of the T-shirt. You can choose "It's racist," or "It's fine."
"It's fine" is winning!
1 comment:
Race is still an issue in the entire world!
Bob Poris
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