"The Presidency of Al Gore, 2001-2009," by Norman MacAfee at The Huffington Post.
Mr. MacAfee, imagining, begins this way: "On January 20, 2001, Al Gore, the candidate who won the most votes, becomes the 43rd president of the United States.
"President Gore follows up on the many urgent warnings from the intelligence agencies that Osama Bin Laden is determined to strike in the United States. The 9/11 planners are caught, and their plots are aborted.
"In Afghanistan, the Taliban warns that it will destroy two giant 1,500-year old statues of the Buddha in the Bamiyan Valley. Much of the world sees these serene figures as symbols of wisdom beyond time, but they offend conservative Muslims. Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke talks with the Pakistani foreign minister, who reminds him that Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world and suggests that if aid to the poor there is increased, the Buddhas will be spared. Gore calls the American Buddhist actor Richard Gere, who immediately raises $50 million for the Afghan poor, and the Gore administration promises $5 billion in direct act over the next five years. The Taliban agrees to preserve the statues. ...
"Republicans are squawking that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is a threat to the safety of the country, that he has weapons of mass destruction. Gore asks the United Nations to send its weapons inspectors back into Iraq, and after six months of searching, they find none. Saddam is in what Eliot Weinberger calls 'the "autumn of the patriarch" mode: holed up in his palaces writing his trashy novesl, and oblivious to the details of government.' Gore brokers a deal in which Saddam's novels are translated into English and published and he agrees to slowly loosen up some of the restrictions on the Kurds and Shias and bring them into the government."
Etc. It is a fascinating, if disconcerting, read. My god, what might have been! Instead, we got stuck with this moronic cowboy strutting about on the world stage not knowing a desert from a dessert, and worse, not giving a damn!
Click here to read MacAfee's dream.
1 comment:
Too bad the Supreme Court decided Bush won. I believe the world would have been better off with Gore as President. Actually, I think Mickey Mouse would have been better, but I am biased. As for the second term, Kerry would also have been better. Why did the people that voted for Bush a second time do it? How could the Democrats not win in a landslide against Bush’s record of the previous four years? Is it possible that the Democratic Party leaders fear success?
Bob Poris
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