First of all, I learned that Karl Rove has given money to John McCain's campaign, and worse, is serving as an adviser to John McCain's campaign. I don't think McCain will need any help in creating and airing the tons of dirt his campaign is sure to generate, but with Rove on board the level of truth will sink to record lows.
Secondly, Rove is appearing on Fox News as a "commentator" which, in a sense, really isn't news nor is it surprising, as Rove has been "commenting" on Fox News--behind the scenes--for a number of years. Fox News has parroted the Bush Administration line almost word for word since its inception and the Bush Administration is a Rove creation.
More interesting is the fact that Fox News has not disclosed Rove's connection to the McCain campaign! So, old Karl sits on his big fat ass, making like a pundit, and while nobody expects him to be the least bit objective, Fox News should be truthful about his connection to McCain as that gives even less objectivity to anything he might say about either Obama or Clinton or anything else, actually!
Over at Think Progress they're "running a Rove Watch clock, currently sitting at 91 days and counting, measuring the time since it was revealed that Rove" is connected money-wise and advice-wise to McCain and company.
It is likely, of course, knowing what Fox thinks of openness and honesty, that connection will never be revealed.
1 comment:
Freedom from the press is an inherent right of the American public. Old Rove is a master and will do real damage to Obama, in my opinion. I have never been convinced that Obama never knew that Farrakhan’s voice was also respected in his church. I cannot trust his judgment if he sat idly by for twenty years and did not know his pastor’s ideology. If he rejected it, he should have either fought it or left. His children are being indoctrinated in a philosophy he tells us he doesn’t agree with. There are other churches in Chicago. I think we are far from hearing the end of this. Rove will use it to his advantage.
Bob Poris
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