But at this very moment, in jails and prisons around the country, we have thousands upon thousands of people under lock and key because they were caught using or in possession of marijuana.
Some of these people have been imprisoned for years for this terrible and vicious crime!
On April 17, 2008, two marijuana decriminalization bills were introduced in the United States Congress by Representative Barney Frank (D-MA). One has to do with federal penalties for possession of marijuana and the other with the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
HR 5843 was co-sponsored by Representatives Ron Paul (R-Tx) and William Lacy (D-MO) and "would eliminate all federal penalties, including arrest, jail time, and civil fines, prohibiting the personal use and possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana."
It's about time we got some federal action! The Feds have better things to do than chase after people using marijuana for their own personal pleasure or to alleviate medical problems.
Twelve states have already passed laws decriminalizing the personal use of maryjane: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Oregon.
Other states considering decriminalization include New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.
Another bill, HR 5842, co-sponsored by Representatives Ron Paul, Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and Sam Farr (D-CA) would require the Feds [the DEA] to act according to state law when in comes to the medicinal use of marijuana. That's a bit weak, but again, it's a start.
Decriminalization may all be a dream, though, as the bills are unlikely to be heard this year. Chances for passage increase if the Democrats can hold majorities in both legislative bodies and especially if the Dems win the White House in November.
It is absolutely crazy and extremely hypocritical to lock up people for years for using a drug that is not as potent or as addictive as either alcohol or tobacco! Furthermore, it is clear that marijuana is used extensively throughout the country by almost every age group. It's about time the United States government dealt with this issue in a rational and adult manner.
In fact it's past time for the legalization of all uses of marijuana!
God Bless America!
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