We've dealt extensively with John Hagee and his insanity and will continue to do so for he represents a great threat to the security of our nation and to the stability of the world.
In Section 1 of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," Hagee notes he is writing the book "in the spring and summer of 2005. It's very likely," claims Hagee, "that before this book is published early in 2006, America and the nations of the world will be staggering beneath the realization that Iran, a rogue Islamic terrorist state, has officially joined the nuclear club."
(Oops. Wrong again, John!)
Now you might think that would be something to fear. But Iran's nuclear capability, and "The rise of terrorism" are part of "the emerging crisis in the Middle East between Israel and Iran" and thus "part of a much bigger picture -- that of God's plan for the future of Israel and the entire world."
What's coming, says Hagee, is "the Jerusalem Countdown" ... "a countdown that will usher in the end of this world."
A bit later in the book, this fruitcake says, as if he would have a clue, "In the eternal counsel of almighty God, He has determined to make Jerusalem the decisive issue by which He will deal with the nations of the earth."
Nations who follow God's purposes will be blessed by God, but God help those who oppose God 'cause they are going to be in deep merde - they'll "receive the swift and severe judgment of God without limitation."
Because Hagee has the ear of a number of important poohbahs in Washington, including the cowboy in the Oval Office, he is extremely dangerous and as time goes by we will deal further with him, the "Jerusalem Countdown" book and some of the other aggressively stupid and insane things he has said and done.
Meanwhile, note that he expects a nuclear holocaust to bring about the end of the world. He's not alone in this farcical prophetic fantasy, and you can find a number of like-minded nitwits and the books they have written at Artisan Publishers.
And that's also where you can purchase Anti-Radiation Tablets, which "Will help You Survive a Radiation Event." Only $18.95 for 200 tablets.
Sheesh! If Jesus is coming back and the good guys are gonna be raptured "up" to Heaven (I wonder if these clowns know there is no such thing as "up"?) why would anyone give a flip about anti-radiation tablets.
Oh, that's right...Jesus may be delayed...probably on a conference call with Moses, Isaiah, and Hagee...
1 comment:
It is hard to believe that people believe in these predictions, but they do. One wonders when Jesus will arrive and if He hasn’t done so many times, but no one recognized Him. He could have been wandering around in the areas where he once roamed, like parts of Israel. He couldn’t wander around Syria. Lebanon or Jordan as Jews are not welcome there anymore. He might also have been
“killed” in any of the wars or atrocities common to the area. I doubt if He would be in the Muslim areas at this point, but He might as long as he spoke the right language and wore the right clothes. I doubt if He spent any time with the preachers that preach hatred and condemn other religions.
Bob Poris
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