A little more than a year ago, a nitwit by name of Marshall Hall wrote a memo for State Rep. Ben Bridges of Georgia that carried Bridges' name. The memo claims that the source of the Big Bang theory is Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism.
"Indisputable evidence - long hidden but now available to everyone - demonstrates conclusively that the so-called 'secular evolution science' is the Big Bang, 15-billion-year, alternate 'creation scenario' of the Pharisee Religion. This scenario is derived concept for concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic 'holy book' Kabbala dating back at least two millenia."
Even when compared to the goofiest of right wing religious freaks, Hall stands out. Another of his major ideas is that the earth does not move, and that too is somehow due to a Jewish conspiracy.
The range of the derangement of this self-described omnipotent poohbah can be seen clearly on the pages of his website. Here are a few excerpts from "The Non-Moving Earth & Anti-Evolution Web Page":
"All of the evidence that is required to expose and destroy the counterfeit Copernican Model of a rotating and orbiting Earth--and the entire evolutionary paradigm resting upon that counterfeit--is set out in ... scores of links on this web page.
"Those who read some or all of these links will quickly realize that this is no idle claim. Rather--as will become evident with each subject listed--there is abundant proof that both the Copernican Counterfeit and the Big Bang Evolutionary Paradigm that is built upon it are factless frauds from start to finish.
"Indeed, the diligent reader will be astonished at the level of demonstrable hi-tech fraud, baseless assumptions, occult mathematics, etc.,--all part of an anti-Christ religious Cabal--that has been at work over many centuries implanting the incredible evolution myth about the origin of the Universe, the Earth, and Mankind.
"On this web page the Bible is not used to prove anything scientific. Instead, the scientific facts--along with proof of high tech fraud, and historical and religious facts--prove the Bible to be precisely what it claims to be, namely, the infallible Word of God."
Hall, now 77, is a retired high school teacher. His wife ran Bridges' election campaign. According to Hall, Bridges gave him the OK to write the memo, which was sent to legislators in several other states, including California and Texas.
It is not surprising that George Rep. Ben Bridges was involved in this farce as he has long fought the teaching of evolution in Georgia schools, and has introduced legislation requiring that only "scientific fact" be taught. (It's a good thing these good ol' boys are so damn stupid; if they were smart, they'd really be dangerous!)
The Jewish Anti-Defamation League wrote to Bridges to express their displeasure with his involvement in the memo and demand that he apologize. So far as I know an apology has not been forthcoming.
Warren Chisum is or was the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee in the Texas House of Representatives -- probably the most powerful of all the committees in the Texas House. Chisum is the fellow who distributed the Hall memo to his committe members. Chisum evidently didn't think the Texas legislature had enough to do last year so he wanted them to know that "the earth stands still -- doesn't spin on its axis or revolve around the Sun -- that Copernicus was part of a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the Old Testament ... [which] would be the same Old Testament that was written by the folks Chisum's friends say are conspiring to undermine it."
Evan Derkacz, in an AlterNet article of a year or so ago, accused Chisum of "believing that GOP interests revolve around the pocketbooks of its wealthy contributors. And that's why he wants to take dollars stolen from middle class Texans in higher tuition, double-taxed highways, underpaid teachers, sick kids and teachers and cut property taxes for those who own a lot of property -- businesses and the very, very wealthy."
Chisum did get a bit of criticism for his circulation of the Hall/Bridges memo. He was not abashed, however, or ashamed, either, which you might expect of someone with a conscience or moral sense. Instead, he whined to the Dallas Morning News that he was simply trying to do a "Good Samaritan" deed for Bridges. "If that's a sin," he said, "well, shoot me."
It may not have been a sin, but it was most assuredly stupid! I haven't heard whether or not anyone shot him.
The scariest part of the whole thing is that people in Georgia and Texas actually gave these two bozos enough votes to elect them to their respective state legislatures. The situation is no different, of course, in Florida, and many other states.
None of which bodes well for the presidential election in November.
(For a critique of Mr. Hall and his work by a fellow Creationist, go here.)
1 comment:
They seem to multiply! I must admire their courage though. One would think they would be afraid that the powerful conspirators’ would find ways to get rid of them. After all, the conspirators against Christianity existed before Christianity. That is pretty good evidence that they think ahead successfully. I wonder how they allowed Christianity to succeed and survive though.
Bob Poris
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