Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beck Asks His Audience to Imagine a Terrorist Attack For the Holiday Season

This guy becomes crazier with every passing day! I'm amazed that someone named Glenn Beck, an insane wacko who is full of more shit than the proverbial Christmas goose, is allowed to spew his venom over the air waves every single day creating waves of hatred for our president and our government.

Is this a great country, or what?

From Crooks & Liars (Heather):

Happy holidays from Glenn Beck everybody! Beck in another one of his phony populist rants asks his audience to imagine a terrorist attack on the United States where we’re as lucky as we were when the World Trade Center was hit. Just when I think this clown can't get much worse, he manages to one up himself again. I will be thankful when he finally is no longer polluting our airways.

Beck: You know everything is too big to fail, but nobody talks about the little guy. Nobody talks about the individual. Let me ask you this question. Please ponder this over the holiday season. Heaven forbid anything happens. God help us if al Qaeda would come but imagine if somebody could succeed in blowing up any of our great American icons. If they destroyed all of Washington, let’s just pretend that we would be as lucky as we were with the World Trade Center where everybody was gone or most people were gone—and they destroyed the Washington Monument and everything else—all of our enduring symbols, all the monuments we’ve always treasured—would it matter?

I don’t think so. The monuments are meaningless. The monuments are there to remind us who we are. But we have forgotten. We have become about the structure. We are the people that defeated the most powerful empire on earth as a group of rag-tag farming colonists. We were the people that explored. We mapped. We tamed the west. We crossed the mountains in wagons. We stunned the world with technical marvels and defeated the Nazis. We defeated the communists. We walked on the moon.

Nobody else has ever done that. We are Americans—rich or poor. We have always believed in the rugged individualism and self-actualization. We are not the people I think the people in Washington think we are. We are not fearful people. We are not people that give in or give up. We’re not about to give into some new whiney mentality where “Ooh, somebody help me”. That’s not who we are.

The only one that is too big to fail is you. And the only one that will, the only one that will create your failure is you. The only way the United States government, or the United States of America, or we fail as a collective is if we fail as individuals. And the only way guaranteed we as individuals will fail is to depend on the government to prop us up. That is just not who we are. And for me I am thankful for that.


bondwooley said...

Beck and his merry band of moronic hysterics won't last forever.

They aren't the only angry ones - there's a groundswell of anger against them, only it's not yet as loud as they are:

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck is a piece of shit. There just aint not way to get around that. I am with you here Jacob--110 percent. Americans are descendents of every great Warrior Nation, of Great Thinkers, and Doers. You don't build a nation with fearful jellyfish. You build it with determined men and women who have a plan for the future. All Glen Beck does is piss and moan and wring his paws together praying for the end. I would have more sympathy for this man with obvious suicidal ideations, if only he weren't allowed to vent his dysfunction on the air as if it meant something more than--obviously he needs therapy and good drugs.

Bob Poris said...

He keeps talking of WE that won the wars, tamed the west etc. He never served in any army, never tamed his addictions to drugs and alcohol. Etc. he is a bad person and his followers have no clue as to what damage he does and can do.

Anonymous said...

Too True Bob. There was a time when a 4F like him would have been laughed out of the room

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