Thursday, October 1, 2009

Alan Grayson - a giant among pussies

[Photo from Grayson's website]

Where the hell are the cowardly bunch of pussies who make up the Democratic leadership in Congress?

Finally, we get a Democrat with some intelligence and guts who has the good sense and the nerve to call out the Repuglicans for what they are -- nogoodniks who don't give a damn about the American people -- and when the Repugnicans start whining, the Democratic leadership is nowhere to be found.

Alan Grayson, whom I'm proud to say is from Florida, made a wonderful comment about the Repug health care plan as being a "blank piece of paper." Then he said, "If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly. That's right, the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."

Heh. Heh. Right on, Alan!

Oh, the poor Repugnican hypocrites! Weeping and wailing all over the place! "Apologize, apologize," they cried in unison, tears falling all over their custom-made $2,000 suits (paid for by corporate America).

Grayson wasn't dining at that table! No sir. He went on to say, "I would like to apologize...I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America."

Can you hear me clapping and cheering? According to the latest research, which Grayson cited, almost 45,000 Americans die each year because they do NOT have health insurance.

Now the Repugs, feigning outrage, want Grayson to apologize, saying that he's doing the same thing as Joe Wilson did.

How stupid do they think we are? Joe Wilson heckled the president of the United States calling him a liar. The heckling was bad enough. Calling him a liar was worse. And the fact is, it was not the president who was lying, it was Joe Wilson, who evidently had not read the health care bill.

So, the Repugs are drafting a "resolution of disapproval." Hah. Hah. These Repugs are the same assholes who claim that Obama's health care contains death panels. The moronic senator from Iowa is still claiming that the government might "pull the plug on grandma"!

Why aren't the Repugs putting together a "resolution of disapproval" against Grassley?

Michael Steele claims Grayson's remarks are a "smear" against the GOP. God, I hope so! The GOP needs to be smeared. The GOP is no longer a political party, it has become a group of Jesus freaks controlled by international corporations and their lobbyists.

Go Grayson! And the rest of you Democrats in Congress better back him up! 'Cause many of us out here in the hinterland are getting mighty sick of you pussies caving into the ugly Repugs every time they wag a finger at you!

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