Saturday, September 26, 2009

Who bought Sen. Lisa Murkowski?

[Image found here.]

Senator Lisa Murkowski, R (AK), doesn't think the Environmental Protection Agency should protect the environment. It's not their job, she says.

What do they smoke in Alaska?

Here's another example of a bought and paid for politician, blatantly moving an agenda which is detrimental to the her own state of Alaska, the United States of America , and the entire world.

According to McClatchy, Murkowski attempted "to amend the Interior Department appropriations bill ..." She wanted to "limit for a year the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, factories and other stationary sources of pollution."

McClatchy says that while Murkowski claims to want to reduce emissions, she said "she didn't believe the EPA, acting under the authority of the Clean Air Act, was the proper agency to do so."

Huh? Yup. The EPA messing around in the EPA's business might result in "unintended consequences, and could be devastating to our economy."

Our economy? One can't help but wonder where Murkowski gets most of her money ... it ain't Mom and Pop and all the other little people! Maybe from the oil companies?

But not to worry for the moment. The Senate blocked Murkowski's typical Repugnican assault on common sense. Which led Joe Mendelson, director of Global Warming for the National Wildlife Federation to say:

"The Senate today stood with the vast majority of Americans who want the government to take action on global warming and reduce pollution from tailpipes and smokestacks. We need action to reduce global warming pollution, repower America's economy with millions of clean energy jobs, and break our dependence on oil."

Consider that. EPA action to regulate greenhouse gas emissions could just as well cause a boost in the nation's economy.

My goodness!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

Do they give a stupidity test as a qualification to run for office in Alaska?

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