Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tax the rich to pay for healthcare! YES!

[Picture of Jesus and the rich young ruler from Garden of Praise here.]

I've been running about on christianist wingnut websites of late just to see what the religiously retarded are about these days, and a recurring theme has presented itself: The theme revolves around the notion that it is horrible to tax the rich to help pay for health care for everyone.

One example of this can be found in an article by someone called Pete Chagnon at OneNewsNow, a christianist crap site that pretends to provide news. Chagnon warns all those rich christianists out there that "If you're rich and you live in America, you could be hit hard under President Obama's healthcare plan."

Yup. And it's the damn libruls fault, too! "To pay for this plan," Chagnon cries [quoting "some [people]" who "estimate" that the plan "could reach $1.5 trillion," which is, as you know just a tad more than what the war in Iraq has cost us], "liberals are proposing a hefty tax on America's rich."

Oh wow! I bet you didn't know this. Curtis Dubay, a dubious member of the ultra right wacko think tank, The Heritage Foundation, "says people in New York City could face income tax rates upwards of 60 percent."

Well, how Pete doth go on. Why, you'd think the end of the world was coming. "Staggering tax increase," he saith. "...a tremendous strain on the already-weakened economy," he also saith. And those poor folks who make only $350,000 to $500,000 a year - they're gonna get hit with a huge surtax.

Two things: One, I don't think people who are living in their cars because they lost their jobs, their health care, and their homes are going to give a rat's ass about the proposed surtax on the financially elite members of our society.

Secondly, OneNewsNow is a christianist wingnut organization and its articles are all geared toward christianist wingnut people. I would think they would welcome surtaxes on the rich. I would think they would be yelling "Yes!" from the rooftop of their christianist penthouses. I would think they would be packing their christianist churches on Sunday mornings to thank their Lord for making taxes on the rich to pay for health care possible.

That's what you would expect if they really believed the gospel stories of Jesus, their Lord and Savior. Jesus made it clear over and over again in his chats with the Palestinian Jews of the first century Common Era that rich people have about as much chance getting into heaven as a donkey has of turning into a horse. [Which explains why we have so many asses in Congress, but that's another article].

In fact, Jesus' message to the rich could be summed up in his words to the rich young man who had kept all of the commandments "from his youth": Go, sell what you have, give it to the poor, and follow me."

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Isn't that funny? Do you know any christianist who really believes that? Of course not. But what's even funnier is to listen to them try to explain why Jesus didn't mean what he said.

So, us non-christianists will stand with Jesus on the matter of taxing the rich to pay for health care for the poor! And we'll tell the christians to put their money where their mouth is: "Go, sell what you have, give it to the poor (in the form of health care) and follow Jesus."

Then, maybe, just maybe, someone will actually listen to what they have to say. And who knows, they may have just a smidgen of a chance of getting into heaven! It might even work for christianist pastors of mega-churches or televangelists, but I don't think so...I think there's a special place in hell reserved for these folks!


Bob Poris said...

I also doubt that the rich will sell what they have so they can be poor, the beloved of God.

I wonder when the poor folks that are told to keep sending money so the preachers can continue to fleece them, will wake up and realize that they pervert the messages of Jesus, the poor Jew from Galilee.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was quoting the Congressional Budget Office on the price of the bill, a little research would have proven that, but I guess I would have to spell that out for those who get their news from a blog.

Also, I'm not rich, matter of fact I make well what is considered rich these days. Should I take your money to make up for the shortfall? That's what you are suggesting, so why not own up to your own beliefs and cut me a check.

Simple mathematics prove that if you tax the wealthy too much, then you take away the wealth of America and the incentive to better one's self. Higher taxes = less job creation which = less pay for the poor saps who work for the "rich."

Also, what is with all the hate speech in your blog, I thought you ran with the tolerant crowd, well I guess you are tolerant when people AGREE with you.

Pete Chagnon said...

Wow, I was quoting the Congressional Budget Office on the price of the bill, a little research would have proven that, but I guess I would have to spell that out for those who get their news from a blog.

Also, I'm not rich, matter of fact I make well what is considered rich these days. Should I take your money to make up for the shortfall? That's what you are suggesting, so why not own up to your own beliefs and cut me a check.

Simple mathematics prove that if you tax the wealthy too much, then you take away the wealth of America and the incentive to better one's self. Higher taxes = less job creation which = less pay for the poor saps who work for the "rich."

Also, what is with all the hate speech in your blog, I thought you ran with the tolerant crowd, well I guess you are tolerant when people AGREE with you.

Lowell said...

Okay, Pete, you've proven you can be a real nasty when you want to be.

What IS considered rich these days?

And why the hell didn't you address the issues raised about christianists who don't believe their Jesus and live like the devil?

There are no "simple" mathematics in today's world and what does that have to do with taking care of people whose lives have literally been destroyed by the rich Repugs on Wall Street, and who have been driven from their homes, living in cars. eating out of dumpsters...

Or don't you see those people; kind of like the rich man as in the rich man and Lazarus?

All you do is spout that same old crap. In fact, historically in this country higher taxes have created more jobs and a better economy.

Are you a christianist, Pete? Do you love Jesus?

If not, then you make sense. I mean being a defender of the rich and powerful against the poor and needy.

If you do love Jesus, then go back and read the gospel stories!

Meanwhile, don't call my writing hate speech when I simply point out a few truths...can't take a little pointed criticism, heh?

And have a nice day!

Pete Chagnon said...

yes I am as you say a "Christianist." And how am I being nasty? I didn't refer to your blog as a "wingnut" blog or "ultra [left] wing whacko" blog...LOL.

Anyway, yes I have read the gospels and the rest of Bible for that matter. I try my best to apply the teachings of Jesus in my life as a father, husband, and individual.

I understand the struggles of the poor. Before I started working for this "wingnut" news organization I was working as a radio personality and could barely afford my mortgage or to put food on the table. My wife and I decided it was best for her to stay at home and raise our children and give up the extra income. Instead I started working 4 jobs 8-10 hours a day 7 days a week.

But my perserverance and prayers paid off as I was able to better my income by moving half way across the country to work at my new job.

So, long story a Christian and as an American I understand the struggles faced in moving up the ladder and everystep I make up the ladder I reach back and lend the others behind me a helping hand through my tithes, volunteerism, parenting, and community involvement.

I just think individuals are better at deciding what they want to do with their talents and gifts than the government. That's all. Thanks for the opportunity to have this robust debate. Hope your week goes well!

pete chagnon said...

yes I am as you say a "Christianist." And how am I being nasty? I didn't refer to your blog as a "wingnut" blog or "ultra [left] wing whacko" blog...LOL.

Anyway, yes I have read the gospels and the rest of Bible for that matter. I try my best to apply the teachings of Jesus in my life as a father, husband, and individual.

I understand the struggles of the poor. Before I started working for this "wingnut" news organization I was working as a radio personality and could barely afford my mortgage or to put food on the table. My wife and I decided it was best for her to stay at home and raise our children and give up the extra income. Instead I started working 4 jobs 8-10 hours a day 7 days a week.

But my perserverance and prayers paid off as I was able to better my income by moving half way across the country to work at my new job.

So, long story a Christian and as an American I understand the struggles faced in moving up the ladder and everystep I make up the ladder I reach back and lend the others behind me a helping hand through my tithes, volunteerism, parenting, and community involvement.

I just think individuals are better at deciding what they want to do with their talents and gifts than the government. That's all. Thanks for the opportunity to have this robust debate. Hope your week goes well!

Anonymous said...

I think all of the "Rich" should be more heavily taxed. Take Larry David making 55 million a year. How could he come close to spending that much to live.

Anthony P said...

This Christian is all for it. Even though I am not rich by any means, If i was, I would rather live in a smaller house or drive an older car if it meant that millions of people could be healthier. It would not be a sacrifice but an honor. And yes, exactly what Jesus asks us to do. Give to Caesar what is his, and give to God, what is His. Well, thank God that Caesar might actually be doing something God wants to happen...

P.S. Sorry I have vanished for a while. Just cutting back my time online.

Lowell said...

Nice to hear from you GRAP! Hope all is well. Appreciate your comment, too. Sounds more "Christian" than anything I've heard lately!

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