Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Anti-Environment Environmental Protection Agency

Under the Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency has become anti-environment.

The leaders of the EPA should be put in jail and charged with endangering the life of the planet and the lives of all the humans on the planet.

In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court told the EPA to get its act together. The court ruled that "carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is a pollutant subject to the Clean Air Act," and ordered the EPA to find out if CO2 emissions were related to global warming, and whether or not they put the public's health at risk.

The EPA has not obeyed the U.S. Supreme Court. I guess when the prezident doesn't obey the law, the EPA shouldn't have to obey the law, either! Now, the EPA says it won't be pushed around and it will get around to doing what the court ordered when it is good and ready to do so.

Here's what the EPA is going to do: Create a massive delay, a ruse, if you will, by asking the public to make comments about "the implications of regulating carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, on other agency rules that cover everything from power plants and factories to schools and small businesses."

Well, let's see, now. The public knows nuttin about this stuff. Scientists who have studied the problem of global warming for years, however, know quite a bit. Unfortunately, the Bush administration has forced the scientists to muffle their conclusions because those conclusions run counter to Bush theology.

Thus, the EPA isn't really interested in knowing the truth, the truth is readily available. The EPA is interested only in delaying their response to the order of the Supreme Court.

EPA poohbahs say that it's too bad but this process of obtaining public input could take many months. I wonder how much worse global warming will be many months from now? How many more huge glacial chunks have to break off and begin the process of raising ocean levels before the Bush administration drowns in its own rhetoric?

P.S. This is a related item. Not so long ago, the EPA closed down several of its libraries because, said the EPA, they weren't being used very much. That brought the EPA quite a bit of criticism. So, now the EPA says they'll reopen five of those libraries by this fall.

Why were they closed, really? Do you think it may have been because the EPA didn't want people to have access to records showing how the EPA has been pretty much a crony-run absolute and total failure under the Bush administration?

And isn't it interesting that the libraries will be good to go in the fall, right at the time we have a presidential election?

That seems nicely designed to take the heat off Bush!

But maybe, just maybe we'll elect a president in the fall who really cares about people and the world we live in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Law and Order seems to be a TV show. If the environment goes to hell a few months sooner or later, will it matter to the administration? They will have died by the time the world reaps the benefit of delays.

Bob Poris

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